Imran Khan’s decision to walk out of all assemblies.. Rawalpindi.; (Report;. Asghar Ali Mubarak..)…

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Imran Khan’s decision to walk out of all assemblies.. Rawalpindi.; (Report;. Asghar Ali Mubarak..)…… Former Prime Minister Imran Khan says that “We have decided to walk out of all assemblies.” They are starting to come out. In Rawalpindi
Addressing the participants of the Long March, Imran Khan said that instead of vandalizing our country, instead of causing destruction in our country, it is better that we get out of this corrupt system and not be a part of this system. These thieves are sitting and forgiving their billions of rupees cases every day.
Imran Khan said that “I have spoken to the Chief Minister, I am also consulting with the parliamentary party”, “The coming two will announce that the day we are leaving all the assemblies”. PTI Chairman Imr…
[9:45 pm, 26/11/2022] Asghar Ali Mubarak AAM: Imran Khan’s decision to walk out of all assemblies.. Rawalpindi.; (Report;. Asghar Ali Mubarak..)…… Former Prime Minister Imran Khan says that “We have decided to walk out of all assemblies.” They are starting to come out. In Rawalpindi
Addressing the participants of the Long March, Imran Khan said that instead of vandalizing our country, instead of causing destruction in our country, it is better that we get out of this corrupt system and not be a part of this system. These thieves are sitting and forgiving their billions of rupees cases every day.
Imran Khan said that “I have spoken to the Chief Minister, I am also consulting with the parliamentary party”, “The coming two will announce that the day we are leaving all the assemblies”. PTI Chairman Imran Khan has said that I have to say with regret that why our institutions do not learn from old mistakes?

Addressing the participants of the Long March, he said that a country, a person and an institution develop when it learns from its mistakes. Imran Khan has claimed that he did not shoot Muazzam Shaheed. The bullet came from someone else, who was shooting him, it was actually meant for the shooter.

Regarding the Wazirabad attack, the former prime minister said that there were three gunmen, one fired at us, one fired from the front which missed us, and one who tried to kill him (the shooter). Just like the one who killed Liaquat Ali Khan, he was killed there so that he would not speak, but Moazzam came on the way. Imran Khan said that we have decided that all the assemblies are starting to leave.

Addressing the participants of the Long March, he said that instead of vandalizing our country, it is better that we get out of this corrupt system and not be a part of this system, where these thieves sit and steal their billions every day. Waiving cases of Rs.

He said that I have spoken to the Chief Minister, I am also consulting with the parliamentary party.
Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that those whose responsibility is to protect our fundamental rights were asleep when a certain man whom I call Dirty Harry committed the atrocities.

He said that the journalists were threatened, we have never seen this in Pakistan, their fault was that they were showing Imran Khan’s position on the media.

He said that fear was spread that someone else would do something, other people should be afraid, the children of social media were caught. They are saying that they were part of the conspiracy.

Addressing the participants of the Long March in Rawalpindi, he said that it was not kept in the National Security Council and was it not written that Donald Lowe is telling Asad Majeed that if Imran Khan is not removed, then your country will face difficulties.

He said, “Didn’t the National Security Council say to de-marsh America, when it is true, to say that it was a drama is an insult to the country. Imran Khan has said that even if there was no conspiracy, then They (the current ruling coalition) did not stop their way, they were allowed to come, those who were running outside, who had corruption cases worth billions of rupees, all of them were given NRO in turn.

He said that corruption was not bad for those who had power, that’s why you saw that all the gang of thieves sat on top. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan has said that the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) is under me. No, she was under the establishment, NAB people used to tell me that all the cases are ready but orders are not coming, those who have control are not giving orders. He said that he was dealing with these thieves instead of putting them in jails. He said in every meeting that corruption will not end here until the powerful are brought under the law.

The former prime minister said that I used to get the answer time and again that Mr. Imran, you should focus on the economy, forget accountability, I was told many times to give NRO to them (then opposition), NAB Change the law. Imran Khan has said that I have failed in one place in three and a half years, I could not bring the powerful under the law. I tried hard but the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) was not under me. Imran Khan has said that we started building dams after fifty years, three big dams are being built in Pakistan.

He said that Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf is the first party that worked on climate change, and planned to plant 10 billion trees. Every year, 1700 billion is stolen from the big ministers, prime ministers and their presidents of every poor country. Rupees are taken to rich countries. He said that rich countries are getting richer while poor countries are getting poorer, the reason for this is not the lack of resources, the reason is that the rule of law has not been followed from the beginning. Imran Khan has said that the rule of the country for 30 years The 2 ruling families never allowed the country’s institutions to strengthen.

Chairman PTI said that whenever they came, instead of strengthening the institutions and bringing the rule of law, they weakened the institutions as soon as they came because there could not be corruption without weakening the institutions. Imran Khan has said that every poor country’s major ministers, prime ministers and their presidents steal money from the country and take 1700 billion rupees to rich countries every year. He said that the rich country is rich while the poor country is getting poorer. are, it is not because of lack of resources, it is because the rule of law was not followed from the beginning. The 2 dynasties that ruled the country for 30 years never allowed the country’s institutions to strengthen. Chairman PTI said that whenever he came, instead of strengthening the institutions and bringing the rule of law, he weakened the institutions as soon as he came because there could be no corruption without weakening the institutions. Former Prime Minister Imran Khan said. He said that the only difference between human society and animal society is that there is justice in human society while in animal society there is the rule of the powerful. He said that rich countries are rich while poor countries are getting poorer. The reason is not lack of resources, it is because the rule of law was not followed from the beginning. Imran Khan has said that the only difference between human society and animal society is that there is justice in human society, while in animal society there is the rule of the powerful. He said that the reason for Pakistan not becoming a great country is this. The rule of law has never come in the country, there has been the rule of force and the law of the jungle.

He said that a society that does not have justice can never develop. Imran Khan has said that only free people do great things, free countries fly high, slaves only do good slavery, slaves do not fly. Only free men fly.

Addressing the participants of the long march in Rawalpindi, he said that I was not worried about death, I have a problem with my leg, it made it difficult to climb and descend, so today I stand at a decisive time.

The former prime minister said that on one side is the path of blessings and your greatness, on the other side is the path of destruction, slavery and humiliation. Imran Khan has said that look at the glory of Allah that 12 people were hit by bullets on top of the container but not one of the 12 was loved by Allah.

Addressing the participants of the long march in Rawalpindi, he said that a guard was hit by 6 bullets but all of them survived, four bullets came out of Imran Ismail’s clothes but he survived.

He said that if you want to live life in the true sense, free yourself from the fear of death.
Imran Khan has said that while leaving Lahore, everyone told me two things that the condition of your leg is not good, it will take another three months to recover, more people said that your life is in danger. There is danger.

Addressing the participants of the long march in Rawalpindi for the first time after being injured as a result of the attack on the container in Wazirabad on November 3, he said that those who tried to kill him by making a whole conspiracy, I was told that then They will commit crimes, so you don’t have to leave the house.

He said that I especially want to tell that I saw death very close, when the bullets hit my leg, and as I was falling, the bullets were going over my head, if I didn’t fall, I would have been hit. I want to tell the youth to strengthen their faith.

The former prime minister said that Allah Almighty has clearly written in the Quran that you will not leave this earth until Allah’s will is done.

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