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Media has to play positive role for sports promotion and development in the country; Chairman Senate Mohammad Sadiq Sanjrani

By;Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Chairman Senate Mohammad Sadiq Sanjrani said that the role of sports federations is very important in uplifting the whole system, “Media has to play a positive role for sports promotion and development in the country.” He expressed these views on Wednesday during meeting with Rawalpindi-Islamabad Sports Journalists Association (RISJA) delegation at Parliament House Islamabad.

The delegation was led by chairman RISJA Abdul Mohi Shah and President Ayaz Akbar Yousafzai while Deputy Chairman Senate Mirza Muhammad Afridi ,Afzal Javed, Mohsin EIjaz, Nasir Naqvi and others  were also present in the meeting The   Chairman Senate Mohammad Sadiq Sanjrani has said that government is keen to promote sports, calling on all the stakeholders to play their active role for the betterment and development of Olympic sports in the country.

.  The Chairman Senate discussed different issues confronting development of Sports in Pakistan. “There is need to develop sports infrastructure all around the country. Being a keen follower of the game of soccer, I would like to see football grounds in every corner of the country. We also need such facilities for other sports as well.”

Chairman Senate remarked that there is no shortage of sports talent in the country. “These talented youngsters need support from all stakeholders. Talented players are important asset of the country. Provinces should also play their positive role by providing sporting opportunities to youth.

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