Nation observes Yaum-e-nation reaffirms its resolve to safeguarding Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence against any form of aggression

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Nation observes Yaum-e-Takbeer

By: Asghar Ali Mubarak
Islamabad;On the occasion of Yaum-e-Takbeer, the nation reaffirms its resolve to safeguarding Pakistan’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence against any form of aggression. Pakistan is committed to continue working towards the promotion of environment of peace and stability at the regional and global levels. Pakistan has been actively contributing to international efforts for strengthening global norms on arms control, non-proliferation and disarmament and follows latest international standards on export controls, nuclear safety and security at the national level.This year, Youm-e-Takbeer has been marked by the inauguration of 1100 MWe K-2 Nuclear Power Plant in Karachi which adds much valuable, cleaner, reliable and affordable electricity to the national energy mix. This underscores the role of nuclear science and technology in the socio-economic development of the country and the welfare of its people. Besides nuclear power generation, Pakistan has harnessed nuclear technology for public service in diverse areas including cancer diagnosis and treatment, public health, agriculture, environment protection and industry.

 Youm-e-Takbeer, the celebration of Pakistan’s atomic explosions in 1998, is being observed today (Friday) with a pledge to make the country economically and militarily strong.

The day is commemorated every year on May 28 to remember the conduction of nuclear tests on the very day, in 1998, making seventh nuclear nation of the world and first Islamic state equipped with nuclear arsenal.

Pakistan had conducted nuclear tests in Rasko hills of Chaghi district of Balochistan in response to five nuclear explosions conducted by India, threatening the security of Pakistan.

These nuclear tests gave a clear message to the world that despite Pakistan is a peace loving country but it cannot ignore its defence needs and is capable of meeting any challenge.

The nation pays its tribute to the contributions of its scientists, engineers and technicians for the security and development of Pakistan.

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