Pakistan’s policy of restraint should not be construed as weakness: Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal

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Pakistan’s policy of restraint should not be construed as weakness:
Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal

 By:Asghar Ali Mubarak

Islamabad: The Pakistani foreign office Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said that Pakistan’s policy of restraint should not be construed as weakness.

Responding to a question during his weekly press briefing in Islamabad on Thursday, Dr. Muhammad Faisal said belligerent statements from India have become a regular feature.

The spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Pakistan is open to hold dialogue with India but it should be a two way communication.

To a question, Dr. Muhammad Faisal said India is a serial alleger and it has become its second nature to blame Pakistan for any development without blinking an eye.

Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Pakistan is confident that this malicious propaganda will neither mislead the international community nor the discerning people in India itself.

Replying to a question regarding recent Indian media reports that Ajmal Kassab was an Indian citizen, the spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said such reports give further credence to the concerns already raised by several quarters in this context.

Answering a question, the Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Pakistan has been raising voice against the continuing oppression against the people of Kashmir and Palestine and it will continue supporting them in future as well.

Regarding US President Donald Trump’s tweet concerning Pakistan, the Spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said leadership of Pakistan has taken a strong exception to these unsubstantiated remarks. 

Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Prime Minister Imran Khan and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi have issued tweets in this regard to set the record straight.

On direct contacts between the United States and Afghan Taliban, Dr. Muhammad Faisal said it is a welcome development as Pakistan has long been insisting that solution to the conflict in Afghanistan lies in a politically negotiated peace settlement.

To another question, the spokesperson Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Kabul has not yet shared any information with Islamabad regarding the assasination of SP Tahir Dawar in Afghanistan.

Dr. Muhammad Faisal said Pakistan expects the Afghan authorities to carry out investigations into this incident and keep it abreast of the development. He said we are also investigating the matter at our end.

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