Month: September 2017

Letter to ,,Secretary-General of the United Nations,on Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslim by ASGHAR ALI MUBARAK Founder President Diplomatic Correspondents Forum of Pakistan…………….

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Letter to ,,Secretary-General of the United Nations,on Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslim by ASGHAR ALI MUBARAK
Founder President Diplomatic Correspondents
Forum of Pakistan…………….


H.E. Mr. António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Executive Office of the Secretary-General
S-3800, United Nations Secretariat Bldg
New York, NY 10017
Subject: Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims
Hope all is well with you’’ May I introduce myself my name is Asghar Ali Mubarak a senior Pakistani journalist and founder President Diplomatic Correspondents Forum of Pakistan. As you well aware about current situation in Myanmar ‘’ genocide in Myanmar is a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims.”The Charter describes the Secretary-General as “chief administrative officer” of the Organization, who shall act in that capacity and perform “such other functions as are entrusted” to him or her by the Security Council, General Assembly, Economic and Social Council and other United Nations organs.” The crimes reportedly committed against the Rohingya are unquestionably serious, but do they constitute genocide? Speaking on the situation in…

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Letter to ,,Secretary-General of the United Nations,on Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslim by ASGHAR ALI MUBARAK Founder President Diplomatic Correspondents Forum of Pakistan…………….

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H.E. Mr. António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Executive Office of the Secretary-General
S-3800, United Nations Secretariat Bldg
New York, NY 10017
Subject: Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims

Hope all is well with you’’ May I introduce myself my name is Asghar Ali Mubarak a senior Pakistani journalist and founder President Diplomatic Correspondents Forum of Pakistan. As you well aware about current situation in Myanmar ‘’ genocide in Myanmar is a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims.”The Charter describes the Secretary-General as “chief administrative officer” of the Organization, who shall act in that capacity and perform “such other functions as are entrusted” to him or her by the Security Council, General Assembly, Economic and Social Council and other United Nations organs.” The crimes reportedly committed against the Rohingya are unquestionably serious, but do they constitute genocide? Speaking on the situation in Myanmar during a recent speech in Istanbul, the Turkish President Recap H.E .Mr. Tayyip Erdogan said, “There is genocide there.” “Those who close their eyes to this genocide perpetrated under the cover of democracy are its collaborators,” he added. This was a strong word for H.E .Mr. Tayyip Erdogan to use, considering the controversy over the fact the Turkish government has long been unwilling to officially designate the mass killings of Armenians during World War I as “genocide.” More officially, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide — approved by the UN in 1948 — defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”Top UN officials have characterized what’s occurring in Myanmar as “ethnic cleansing,” but have not used the term “genocide.” Unlike genocide, ethnic cleansing has not been designated as an independent crime under international law. The Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority group in Myanmar, have been systematically disenfranchised and increasingly marginalized, including through denial of citizenship and restriction of movement. Over the years successive UN Special Reports’ on the situation of human rights in Myanmar have reported serious continuing human rights violations against this community. The social media raised concerns regarding widespread fear amongst civilians of potential reprisals as punishment for speaking out. We demand for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry upon the current situation in Myanmar against Rohingya’s Muslims. As you know, on 3rd February 2017 the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a report based on interviews with Rohingya who had fled from Myanmar, which detailed “widespread and systematic” attacks against the Rohingya and reiterated “the very likely commission of crimes against humanity” – as had already been concluded by the High Commissioner in June 2016.The High Commissioner, likewise, has called for a Commission of Inquiry.Before the recent attacks on Rohingya’s Muslims a series of attacks were reported on border guard posts on 9 October 2016 and subsequent joint army-police counterinsurgency operation, there have been consistent reports of extrajudicial executions, rape and other crimes of sexual violence, torture and ill-treatment, enforced disappearances, mass arrests, and the widespread destruction of Rohingya’s Muslims buildings and mosques. During your tenure as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, you witnessed first-hand the discriminatory treatment of the Rohingya, including the proposal by then-President Thein Sein to settle all Rohingya’s Muslims in refugee camps or send them to third countries. The situation is now a day is more miserable. More than 120,000 Rohingya’s Muslims to flee in the last two weeks for Bangladesh, while 24,000 people remain internally displaced in Myanmar. Despite the announcement on 16 February of the termination of the four-month counterinsurgency operation, the government continued to deny allegations of human rights abuses in Rakhine State. A number of Rohingya’s Muslims reached Bangladesh in recent days is estimated to be 123,600. Up to 15,000 Rohingya’s Muslims refugees are expected to cross the Naf River into Bangladesh each day this week, joining the tens of thousands already taking shelter in overcrowded camps and makeshift settlements.The Myanmar authorities have established several national commissions to investigate allegations of human rights violations; however none of these commissions are independent or credible. Two investigations are being conducted by the police and military respectively, raising concerns about their ability to investigate allegations of abuses within their ranks. The third Commission, established in December 2016, claims to have found insufficient evidence of human rights violations, despite mounting reports to the contrary. Another commission – the Advisory Commission on Rohingya’s Muslims State, led by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, does not have a human rights mandate and will not be conducting investigations into the allegations of abuses. On 6 February 2016 the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, stated that the failure to address these violations puts populations at “the risk of very serious international crimes.” According to media reports the United Nations aid agencies continue to block from delivering food, water and medicine to the Rohingya, while humanitarian workers on the ground say warehouses stocking vital emergency supplies are being looted. Myanmar government has blocked all United Nations aid agencies from delivering vital supplies of food, water and medicine to thousands of desperate civilians at the centre of a bloody military campaign against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority.The UN halted distributions in northern Rakhine state after militants attacked government forces on 25 August and the army responded with a counteroffensive that has killed hundreds of people. In a recent report the office of the UN resident coordinator in Myanmar said deliveries had been suspended “because the security situation and government field-visit restrictions rendered us unable to distribute assistance”.The UN asked authorities to ensure that humanitarian operations can resume as soon as possible,” the office said. Aid was being delivered to other parts of Rakhine state.In the deadliest outbreak of violence in the area for decades, the military has been accused of atrocities against the persecuted Rohingya minority, tens of thousands of whom have fled burning villages to neighboring Bangladesh, many with bullet wounds. As the international outcry over the crisis grew, an aid group that has been rescuing tens of thousands of refugees from the Mediterranean Sea announced it was redirecting its ship to south-east Asia. The unrest has raised fears of a humanitarian crisis in overstretched border camps, with another 400,000 of Rohingya’s Muslims the Muslim ethnic minority estimated to be trapped in conflict zones in western Myanmar since more “clearance operations” by security forces in Rakhine state began last month. When asked a question about the situation in Myanmar, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department did not specifically address the discussion of genocide, but tells media, “The United States is in close contact with Burma’s government about the situation in Rakhine and have publicly and privately discussed this issue at the highest levels,” adding, “As government and security forces act to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice, we urge them to do so in a way that is consistent with the rule of law and that respects human rights.”Based on comments from the USHMM, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and others, the U.S. government and the international community more generally could arguably be doing far more to pressure Myanmar’s government to cooperate with efforts to stop the violence against the Rohingya.The Rohingya’s Muslims called the most persecuted minority in the world. The 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims squeezed precariously into the north-west state of Rakhine, in mainly Buddhist Burma, bordering majority Muslim Bangladesh, are stateless and unwanted Neither country will give them citizenship even though their families’ roots in modern-day Rakhine, once called Arakan, can be traced back to the Eighth Century. Since World War Two they have been treated increasingly by Burmese authorities as illegal, interloping Bengalis, facing apartheid-like conditions that deny them free movement or state education while government forces intermittently drive out and slaughter them.Over the past year, military operations against Rohingya villages have been so intense and cruel that the minority’s defenders have warned of an unfolding genocide. The United Nations has reported that the army may have committed ethnic cleansing. The inhumane treatment of the Rohingyas has tarnished the image of Myanmar’s civilian leader and Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, once a famously unflinching defender of human rights and darling of the West.She now faces international fury, particularly from Muslim nations, for failing to stand up to armed forces chief General Min Aung Hlaing, whose soldiers are accused of rape, murder, arson, and of ripping Rohingya babies from their mothers’ arms and throwing them into rivers and fire.Ms Suu Kyi has publicly stuck to the military’s line that the Rohingya are illegally squatting on the Burmese territory, tragedy. The latest military crackdown, which began on August 25, caused almost 90,000 Rohingyas to flee under fire to squalid, overflowing relief camps across the Bangladeshi border in just two weeks. Officially close to 400 people had died by early September, but human rights activists claim to have confirmation of at least 1,000 deaths and believe the figure is much higher. The death toll will inevitably rise after Burma, also known as Myanmar, blocked UN agencies from delivering vital food, water and medicine supplies to 250,000 Rakhine residents desperately in need. Ongoing persecution of the Rohingya has inevitably led to an armed, if disorganized, resistance. The army “clearing operations” which sparked the mass exodus of civilians in both October 2016 and in August 2017, were launched after insurgents known as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) attacked several paramilitary check posts. ARSA has so far been described as a rag-tag collection of small groups armed with knives, sticks and some basic IEDs, rather than a robust military force or mass mobilization. A report released in early September by the Burma Human Rights Network documents the rise of systematic abuses against Burmese Muslims since 2012, including the creation of “Muslim-free zones”, denial of ID cards, and the banning of Islamic holidays. The oppression has been mirrored by an upsurge of ultra-nationalist Buddhist groups who encourage an anti-Muslim rhetoric. Mr. Matthew Smith, director of Fortify Rights, a human rights group working with Rohingya refugees, said there was a danger of escalation.“There is certainly a risk that international extremist organizations will seek to be involved in northern Rakhine state,” he said. “The best way to prevent this from escalating is to protect the rights of the civilian population. Myanmar is doing the exact opposite.This is important to mention here that the government in Myanmar does not control the military, but that doesn’t mean it can’t influence the current situation. Aung San Suu Kyi, the country’s iconic de facto leader and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has been heavily criticized for not taking a more forceful, vocal stance on this issue. Some seem to feel her legacy is already tarnished irrevocably over her silence on the plight of the Rohingya. According to Thai journalist PARITTA WANGKIAT report in Myanmar about 100 people have been killed since militants from the Muslim insurgency group, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA).The international community has urged the governments of Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia to accept the Rohingya who fled to their countries as refugees. I would like to say that the Myanmar government and Buddhist nationalists can help solve the problem by trying to look at it by recognizing universal principles. They should try to leave their hatred and bias against the Rohingya behind and apply the following three principles. First, respect for human rights. Whether a majority or a minority in a country, everyone should be treated based on the principles of human rights. They deserve equal treatment. For the crisis in Rakhine State, no one deserves to be killed just because they are seen as an enemy or outsider. Second, all parties should try to adopt peaceful approaches, such as negotiation. This can pave the way for long-term solutions. Third, the Myanmar government and its authorities should treat their people with dignity. Whenever any government suppresses people by limiting access to basic rights and opportunities and treating them differently to how it treats the majority of people, it takes away their pride. When a government dehumanises its minorities that takes away their dignity. When people lose their dignity, they are forced to live like they are in a dark hole. Some of them will resist by perhaps opting to use violence to regain their dignity. Then a war breaks out, similar to the situation in Rakhine State.
I always welcome your commitment to human rights, peace and conflict prevention, as well as your stated readiness to advance these causes through your good offices and personal engagement as UN Secretary-General. Given the intensive promotion of anti-Muslim sentiment in Myanmar.
With regards
Founder President Diplomatic Correspondents
Forum of Pakistan

CELL-00923334911786-, 00923644911786

Open letter to H.E. Mr. António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General S-3800, United Nations Secretariat Bldg New York, NY 10017 Subject: Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims,,,BY.ASGHARAR ALI MUBARAK

Posted on

H.E. Mr. António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations
Executive Office of the Secretary-General
S-3800, United Nations Secretariat Bldg
New York, NY 10017
Subject: Genocide in Myanmar a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims

Hope all is well with you’’ May I introduce myself my name is Asghar Ali Mubarak a senior Pakistani journalist and founder President Diplomatic Correspondents Forum of Pakistan. As you well aware about current situation in Myanmar ‘’ genocide in Myanmar is a very serious international crimes against Rohingya’s Muslims. The crimes reportedly committed against the Rohingya are unquestionably serious, but do they constitute genocide? Speaking on the situation in Myanmar during a recent speech in Istanbul, the Turkish President Recap H.E .Mr. Tayyip Erdogan said, “There is genocide there.” “Those who close their eyes to this genocide perpetrated under the cover of democracy are its collaborators,” he added. This was a strong word for H.E .Mr. Tayyip Erdogan to use, considering the controversy over the fact the Turkish government has long been unwilling to officially designate the mass killings of Armenians during World War I as “genocide.” More officially, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide — approved by the UN in 1948 — defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: Killing members of the group; Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”Top UN officials have characterized what’s occurring in Myanmar as “ethnic cleansing,” but have not used the term “genocide.” Unlike genocide, ethnic cleansing has not been designated as an independent crime under international law. The Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic minority group in Myanmar, have been systematically disenfranchised and increasingly marginalized, including through denial of citizenship and restriction of movement. Over the years successive UN Special Reports’ on the situation of human rights in Myanmar have reported serious continuing human rights violations against this community. The social media raised concerns regarding widespread fear amongst civilians of potential reprisals as punishment for speaking out. We demand for the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry upon the current situation in Myanmar against Rohingya’s Muslims. As you know, on 3rd February 2017 the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) released a report based on interviews with Rohingya who had fled from Myanmar, which detailed “widespread and systematic” attacks against the Rohingya and reiterated “the very likely commission of crimes against humanity” – as had already been concluded by the High Commissioner in June 2016.The High Commissioner, likewise, has called for a Commission of Inquiry.Before the recent attacks on Rohingya’s Muslims a series of attacks were reported on border guard posts on 9 October 2016 and subsequent joint army-police counterinsurgency operation, there have been consistent reports of extrajudicial executions, rape and other crimes of sexual violence, torture and ill-treatment, enforced disappearances, mass arrests, and the widespread destruction of Rohingya’s Muslims buildings and mosques. During your tenure as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, you witnessed first-hand the discriminatory treatment of the Rohingya, including the proposal by then-President Thein Sein to settle all Rohingya’s Muslims in refugee camps or send them to third countries. The situation is now a day is more miserable. More than 120,000 Rohingya’s Muslims to flee in the last two weeks for Bangladesh, while 24,000 people remain internally displaced in Myanmar. Despite the announcement on 16 February of the termination of the four-month counterinsurgency operation, the government continued to deny allegations of human rights abuses in Rakhine State. A number of Rohingya’s Muslims reached Bangladesh in recent days is estimated to be 123,600. Up to 15,000 Rohingya’s Muslims refugees are expected to cross the Naf River into Bangladesh each day this week, joining the tens of thousands already taking shelter in overcrowded camps and makeshift settlements.The Myanmar authorities have established several national commissions to investigate allegations of human rights violations; however none of these commissions are independent or credible. Two investigations are being conducted by the police and military respectively, raising concerns about their ability to investigate allegations of abuses within their ranks. The third Commission, established in December 2016, claims to have found insufficient evidence of human rights violations, despite mounting reports to the contrary. Another commission – the Advisory Commission on Rohingya’s Muslims State, led by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, does not have a human rights mandate and will not be conducting investigations into the allegations of abuses. On 6 February 2016 the UN Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide, Adama Dieng, stated that the failure to address these violations puts populations at “the risk of very serious international crimes.” According to media reports the United Nations aid agencies continue to block from delivering food, water and medicine to the Rohingya, while humanitarian workers on the ground say warehouses stocking vital emergency supplies are being looted. Myanmar government has blocked all United Nations aid agencies from delivering vital supplies of food, water and medicine to thousands of desperate civilians at the centre of a bloody military campaign against the country’s Muslim Rohingya minority.The UN halted distributions in northern Rakhine state after militants attacked government forces on 25 August and the army responded with a counteroffensive that has killed hundreds of people. In a recent report the office of the UN resident coordinator in Myanmar said deliveries had been suspended “because the security situation and government field-visit restrictions rendered us unable to distribute assistance”.The UN asked authorities to ensure that humanitarian operations can resume as soon as possible,” the office said. Aid was being delivered to other parts of Rakhine state.In the deadliest outbreak of violence in the area for decades, the military has been accused of atrocities against the persecuted Rohingya minority, tens of thousands of whom have fled burning villages to neighboring Bangladesh, many with bullet wounds. As the international outcry over the crisis grew, an aid group that has been rescuing tens of thousands of refugees from the Mediterranean Sea announced it was redirecting its ship to south-east Asia. The unrest has raised fears of a humanitarian crisis in overstretched border camps, with another 400,000 of Rohingya’s Muslims the Muslim ethnic minority estimated to be trapped in conflict zones in western Myanmar since more “clearance operations” by security forces in Rakhine state began last month. When asked a question about the situation in Myanmar, a spokesperson for the U.S. State Department did not specifically address the discussion of genocide, but tells media, “The United States is in close contact with Burma’s government about the situation in Rakhine and have publicly and privately discussed this issue at the highest levels,” adding, “As government and security forces act to bring those responsible for the attacks to justice, we urge them to do so in a way that is consistent with the rule of law and that respects human rights.”Based on comments from the USHMM, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and others, the U.S. government and the international community more generally could arguably be doing far more to pressure Myanmar’s government to cooperate with efforts to stop the violence against the Rohingya.The Rohingya’s Muslims called the most persecuted minority in the world. The 1.1 million Rohingya Muslims squeezed precariously into the north-west state of Rakhine, in mainly Buddhist Burma, bordering majority Muslim Bangladesh, are stateless and unwanted Neither country will give them citizenship even though their families’ roots in modern-day Rakhine, once called Arakan, can be traced back to the Eighth Century. Since World War Two they have been treated increasingly by Burmese authorities as illegal, interloping Bengalis, facing apartheid-like conditions that deny them free movement or state education while government forces intermittently drive out and slaughter them.Over the past year, military operations against Rohingya villages have been so intense and cruel that the minority’s defenders have warned of an unfolding genocide. The United Nations has reported that the army may have committed ethnic cleansing. The inhumane treatment of the Rohingyas has tarnished the image of Myanmar’s civilian leader and Nobel peace prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, once a famously unflinching defender of human rights and darling of the West.She now faces international fury, particularly from Muslim nations, for failing to stand up to armed forces chief General Min Aung Hlaing, whose soldiers are accused of rape, murder, arson, and of ripping Rohingya babies from their mothers’ arms and throwing them into rivers and fire.Ms Suu Kyi has publicly stuck to the military’s line that the Rohingya are illegally squatting on the Burmese territory, tragedy. The latest military crackdown, which began on August 25, caused almost 90,000 Rohingyas to flee under fire to squalid, overflowing relief camps across the Bangladeshi border in just two weeks. Officially close to 400 people had died by early September, but human rights activists claim to have confirmation of at least 1,000 deaths and believe the figure is much higher. The death toll will inevitably rise after Burma, also known as Myanmar, blocked UN agencies from delivering vital food, water and medicine supplies to 250,000 Rakhine residents desperately in need. Ongoing persecution of the Rohingya has inevitably led to an armed, if disorganized, resistance. The army “clearing operations” which sparked the mass exodus of civilians in both October 2016 and in August 2017, were launched after insurgents known as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) attacked several paramilitary check posts. ARSA has so far been described as a rag-tag collection of small groups armed with knives, sticks and some basic IEDs, rather than a robust military force or mass mobilization. A report released in early September by the Burma Human Rights Network documents the rise of systematic abuses against Burmese Muslims since 2012, including the creation of “Muslim-free zones”, denial of ID cards, and the banning of Islamic holidays. The oppression has been mirrored by an upsurge of ultra-nationalist Buddhist groups who encourage an anti-Muslim rhetoric. Mr. Matthew Smith, director of Fortify Rights, a human rights group working with Rohingya refugees, said there was a danger of escalation.“There is certainly a risk that international extremist organizations will seek to be involved in northern Rakhine state,” he said. “The best way to prevent this from escalating is to protect the rights of the civilian population. Myanmar is doing the exact opposite.This is important to mention here that the government in Myanmar does not control the military, but that doesn’t mean it can’t influence the current situation. Aung San Suu Kyi, the country’s iconic de facto leader and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has been heavily criticized for not taking a more forceful, vocal stance on this issue. Some seem to feel her legacy is already tarnished irrevocably over her silence on the plight of the Rohingya. According to Thai journalist PARITTA WANGKIAT report in Myanmar about 100 people have been killed since militants from the Muslim insurgency group, the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA).The international community has urged the governments of Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia to accept the Rohingya who fled to their countries as refugees. I would like to say that the Myanmar government and Buddhist nationalists can help solve the problem by trying to look at it by recognizing universal principles. They should try to leave their hatred and bias against the Rohingya behind and apply the following three principles. First, respect for human rights. Whether a majority or a minority in a country, everyone should be treated based on the principles of human rights. They deserve equal treatment. For the crisis in Rakhine State, no one deserves to be killed just because they are seen as an enemy or outsider. Second, all parties should try to adopt peaceful approaches, such as negotiation. This can pave the way for long-term solutions. Third, the Myanmar government and its authorities should treat their people with dignity. Whenever any government suppresses people by limiting access to basic rights and opportunities and treating them differently to how it treats the majority of people, it takes away their pride. When a government dehumanises its minorities that takes away their dignity. When people lose their dignity, they are forced to live like they are in a dark hole. Some of them will resist by perhaps opting to use violence to regain their dignity. Then a war breaks out, similar to the situation in Rakhine State.
I always welcome your commitment to human rights, peace and conflict prevention, as well as your stated readiness to advance these causes through your good offices and personal engagement as UN Secretary-General. Given the intensive promotion of anti-Muslim sentiment in Myanmar.
With regards
Founder President Diplomatic Correspondents
Forum of Pakistan

CELL-00923334911786-, 00923644911786

British High Commissioner H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew vowed to support revival of international cricket in Pakistan. Boxer Amir Khan has announced Super League in Pakistan to promote boxing By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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British High Commissioner Thomas Drew vowed to support revival of international sports in Pakistan. Boxer Amir Khan has announced Super League in Pakistan to promote boxing
By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

Islamabad ;The British High Commissioner, H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew during the visit to Amir Khan boxing visiting the academy on Monday said that ‘’we wants to see international cricket come back to Pakistan. He said that the former British Prime Minister David Cameron played important role to bring back international cricket in Pakistan. Talking to Asghar Ali Mubarak chief reporter ‘’The Daily Mail international Islamabad’’ H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew stated ‘’I wished that the English cricket team visits Pakistan as soon early as possible’’. British High Commissioner to Pakistan Thomas Drew said the United Kingdom and Pakistan shared deep relations during the last 70 years, and they were looking forward to further strengthen them. British envoy who said he will try to get the British cricket team to Pakistan, in an attempt to promote sports at an international level in the country. The sports and culture links underpinned by strong people to people links were central to these bilateral ties, he added. British High Commissioner, H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew vowed to support revival of international sports in Pakistan. He said a sport men are always likes an ambassador ‘’ Amir Khan is Pakistan’s ambassador in Britain and a British ambassador in Pakistan” he added. Further he stated that “Amir Khan is Pakistan’s Mohammad Ali”. British High Commissioner lauded the World XI’s tour to Pakistan. “We want to see revival of sports in Pakistan and for that we would play our role,” he said. More over the British High Commissioner to Pakistan, Thomas Drew wishes Eid Mubarak to all those who are celebrating the festival in Pakistan, the UK and around the world H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew CMG was born on 26th September 1970 is British High Commissioner to Pakistan; H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew attended Charterhouse and then Trinity College, Oxford where he read Classics, graduating in 1993. He worked for McKinsey & Company for two years before joining the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as a Second Secretary in 1995. After one two-year posting, he learnt Russian and was posted to Moscow in 1998 as a Second, and later a First Secretary. In 2002 Drew returned to London to head a unit running the UK’s engagement with the EU inter-governmental conference that led to the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. Once the conference was held in 2004, he continued in the Foreign Office’s EU Enlargement group until 2006, when he was posted as the Political Counselor in Islamabad. In 2008, Drew was appointed on loan to the Home Office as their Director of the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism for three years. Drew returned to the Foreign Office in 2011 as Director of National Security, before replacing Lindsay Croisdale-Appleby as Principal Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary in 2012. In 2014 he left this post,[1] and in the Queen’s Birthday Honors’ in 2015 he was appointed a Companion of the Order of St Michael and St George (CMG) “for services to British foreign policy interests.”[2] In 2015 he was a Visiting Fellow at the McKinsey Global Institute. He was appointed High Commissioner to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan from February 2016.Soon after his appointment he inaugurated the Amir Khan boxing academy Islamabad.
Mean while the International Boxer Amir Khan has announced to launch Super Boxing League in Pakistan to promote boxing and provide exposure to local talent. Addressing a press conference along with British High Commissioner, H.E.Mr.Thomas Drew in Islamabad he said that professional boxing league was to be held under the World Boxing Council. Amir Khan said eight teams will participate in the League. He said that women can also participate in the competitions. He said Pakistan has great talent in boxing and the event will prove beneficial for country’s boxers. Amir Khan said franchised-based teams would be participating in the league. “There will be eight teams and each team will comprise eight boxers,” he said.”The teams include of Multan, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Peshawar, Lahore, Quetta, Sialkot and Karachi,” he said. Amir said he is hopeful that SBL would prove valuable for Pakistani boxers.”The idea to create this league came from India’s league which was a good one but we have more talent in Pakistan and hopefully SBL would be a big hit,” he said. Amir said he will not bring international boxers in the first edition of SBL as he wants to promote Pakistan’s local talented boxers first. He said he wants to show the talent present in Pakistan to the world. “This league would prove beneficial for the future of boxing in Pakistan,” he said. He said the venue for the event is not finalized yet. “The title of this championship will be owned by World Boxing Council (WBC) and the league will provide Pakistani boxers to win a WBC belt,” he said.”I want to do this for Pakistan. Only Pakistani boxers are going to be involved in this Championship. So we are going to localize it to see the local talent,” he said and added that women boxers would also be a part of this league. He said Amir Khan Boxing Academy in England had been performing well. British High Commissioner, Thomas Drew who was also present on the occasion termed Amir as Pakistan’s Muhammad Ali. He also lauded World XI’s tour to Pakistan. “We want to see revival of sports in Pakistan and for that we would play our role,” he said. British-Pakistani boxer, Amir Khan speaking to the media regarding the boxing league he has decided to launch in Pakistan, Amir said he has taken the idea from his partner in India who started something similar there. “If India can host boxing tournaments then Pakistan has more talent for the sport.”Also present with Amir was a British envoy who said he will try to get the British cricket team to Pakistan, in an attempt to promote sports at an international level in the country. About the boxing league, Amir said it will be a professional platform as he wants to the sport to flourish in Pakistan. Moreover, he added, each city of the country will also have academies to train people for boxing. Amir maintained that he will be stating the league either in December or earlier next year.

Saudi Arabia Ambassador to Pakistan H.E .Mr. Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malkiy distributed the sacrificial meat among the peoples…… By;Asghar Ali Mubarak

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Saudi Arabian Ambassador H.E .Mr. Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malkiy distributed the sacrificial meat among the peoples
By;Asghar Ali Mubarak

Islamabad; The Ambassador of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) to Pakistan H.E .Mr. Nawaf Said Ahmad Al-Malkiy also visited the Muslim World League International Islamic Relief Organization Saudi Arabia’s Pakistan office Islamabad and distributed the sacrificial meat among the peoples. The Muslim World League (MWL) recently delivered health insurance cards to 15,000 Sudanese orphans and their families at a cost of about SR2,365,000 ($630,557). International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO) has paid great attention to orphans, with the organization currently sponsoring more than 78,000 orphans in 35 countries, supervised by its offices around the world. The International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO هيئة الإغاثة الإسلامية العالمية‎‎), also known as the International Islamic Relief Organization of Saudi Arabia (IIROSA), is a charity based in Saudi Arabia founded by the Muslim World League in 1978. It is a full member of the Conference of NGOs, where it serves on the board. The IIRO is included in a list of some of the UNHCR’s major NGO partners and has been involved in many joint programmers’ with UN Agencies and intergovernmental (such as the World Health Organization) and non-governmental organizations. It has enjoyed consultative status on the United Nations Economic and Social Council since 1995. It was the first Islamic NGO to gain observer status with the International Organization for Migration (IOM). It is also a member of the International Humanitarian City based in Dubai, UAE. . Eid-ul-Azha day’s selfie along with H.E. Honorable Regional Director Muslim World League International Islamic Relief Organization Saudi Arabia’s Pakistan & Afghanistan Dr. Abdu Muhammad Atain and Asghar Ali Mubarak founder president Diplomatic Correspondents Forum of Pakistan during the sacrificial meat distribution’s ceremony amongst the people of Islamic Republic of Pakistan on behalf of H.E. King Salman bin Abdul Aziz al Saud the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques of Saudi Arabia on Eid-ul-Azha day.

‘I want to be back in the ring in November, boxing is my only focus these days, says Boxer Amir Khan …………..By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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‘I want to be back in the ring in November, boxing is my only focus these days, says Boxer Amir Khan
By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: The world renowned British-Pakistani boxer Amir Khan said ‘I want to be back in the ring in November, boxing is my only focus these days. ‘Boxer Amir Khan has revealed he expects to be fighting before the end of the year.
“I definitely wanna be in the ring around November, December; I’m still with Al Haymon,” Khan told media men at Islamabad. He further stated that “It’s been a long time since I have been in the ring and with all the stuff that’s gone on in my career; there’s been a lot of ups and downs, with the hand operation. I think I am going to have a tune up fight, get moving on and take it on there.
Khan is a former world champion and is targeting a return to that status in November. He stated that ‘’my aim and target is Olympic gold medal for Pakistan, while addressing a press conference on Friday at Amir khan academy sports complex Islamabad Amir Khan said he is only focusing on boxing.“My next fight is either in November or December this year,” he stated. He said that his dedication can be gauged from the fact that he is working rather than celebrating Eid-ul-Azha with his family. “I am dedicated towards boxing,” said Amir. British-Pakistani boxer Amir Khan began to box competitively at the age of 11, with early honors including three English school titles, three junior ABA titles, and gold at the 2003 Junior Olympics. In early 2004 he won a gold medal at the European Student Championships in Lithuania, and in South Korea several months later he won world junior lightweight title after fighting five times in seven days. One of his notable early amateur fights was against Victor Ortíz, whom he defeated in a second round stoppage. Overall, he compiled an amateur record of 101–9.
“Asked upon whether he had overcome his recent injury, he responded: “The hands feel good, I had the first op and I was in training camp with Virgil and I hurt my hand again and that was just a little bit of the hand that had not recovered so I had to have another little operation to make sure it’s going to be 100% and since then it’s been great, I have had no problems at all, I cannot wait to get back into the ring.”
British-Pakistani boxer Amir Khan will continue to venture at the 147lb limit with the vision of capturing a world title being his ultimate aim.British-Pakistani boxer Amir Khan admitted he would relish the chance of fighting back in the UK but blamed the politics behind the boxing scene for his four-year absence.
“We will see what happens it’s just a shame that I do not get on with Eddie Hearn, if there was respect between us then I would have loved to of fought here more often and have done something with Eddie Hearn’s team but the thing is, it doesn’t make sense because they just talk .British-Pakistani boxer has been missing in action since May 2016 after a brutal knockout defeat to Canelo Alvarez. But the 30-year-old has told his fans they will see him back in the ring before the end of 2017.‘I have decided to take a big fight at the end of this year and for a title hopefully,’ Khan said. ‘I want to be back in the ring in November.’ “Every time we try to make fights, for example the Kell Brook fight it’s just gone really because these people just want to try and rip you off. I have been in the game a long time and they just try and mug you off, it’s very disrespectful. “The only promoter I did like to work with is Frank Warren because in my opinion, he is always been fair with me and he’s always been straight with me,” he added. Amir Khan said that he is closing in on a return to boxing after almost fifteen months out of action. The two-time world champion has been recovering from two hand operations since taking time out after his defeat to Saul Canelo Alvarez to address the problem. The ‘Amir Khan Boxing Academy’ was inaugurated on 5th June 2016 jointly by Thomas Drew CMG, H.E. British High Commissioner to Pakistan,Amir Khan’s father Sajad Khan. Amir Khan Boxing Academy was established to train young talented boxers in Pakistan. Khan provided coaches and equipment for the academy. He hoped that Pakistan has a great potential to churn out a number of champions and winners. He said that he would like to train Pakistani boxers himself and Pakistani talent has immense potential and that the 30-year old boxer firmly believes that all the country needs is better and enhanced training facilities. Amir also holding a high-end charity event, under the aegis of the Amir Khan Trust raise funds for drilling two wells in Thar.

..آپریشن ردلفساد .فلسفہ قربانی اورعید الاضحی پر ھماری ذمہ داریاں …تحریر ،،،اصغر علی مبارک

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.آپریشن ردلفساد .فلسفہ قربانی اورعید الاضحی پر ھماری ذمہ داریاں …تحریر ،،،اصغر علی مبارک

..تمام اھل وطن کوعید الاضحی کی خوشیاں مبارک ہوں..فلسفہ قربانی در اصل عید الاضحی سنت ابراہیمی کی یاد دلاتی ھے .عید الاضحی کا بنیادی فلسفہ قربانی‘ ایثار ‘ خلوص اور راہ خدا میں اپنی عزیز ترین چیز نچھاور کردینا ہے۔ اگر عید الاضحی سے قربانی کا تصور اور فلسفہ نکال دیا جائے تو پھر عید الاضحی کا مفہوم بے معنی ہوجاتا ہے۔حضرت ابراہیم و حضرت اسماعیل نے اطاعت خداوندی میں حکم خدا اور رضائے خدا کو انجام دیتے ہوئے قربانی دی اس کے پس پشت میں ان کے ذاتی مفادات یا خواہشات نہیں تھے۔ ان کا مقصد صرف اور صرف خوشنودی خدا کا حصول تھا۔ انبیاء کرام کی یہ قربانی انسانیت کے لئے روشن مثال اور مسلمین کے لئے اطاعت و ایثار کا ایک حسین نمونہ ہے۔ قربانی سنت ابراہیمی پورا کرنے کے لئے فقط جانوروں کی قربانی ضروری نہیں بلکہ اپنے مفادات‘ ذاتی خواہشات‘ غلطیوں ‘ کوتاہیوں اور خطاؤں کی قربانی ضروری ہے جان کی قربانی سے قبل بھی بہت ساری ایسی چیزیں ہیں کہ جنہیں قربانی کرکے انسان خدا کی اطاعت کے تقاضے پورے کرسکتا ہے۔ اس میں دین کے استحکام و ترویج کے لئے مال کی قربانی‘ وقت کی قربانی‘ مسلکی ،فروعی اختلافات کی قربانی‘ لسانی و علاقائی تعصبات کی قربانی شامل ہیں۔ .. عید قربان پر ان شھدا کی قربانیوں کو بھی یاد رکھنا ہو گا جن کی عظیم قربانیوں آج ھم آزاد فضاؤں میں سانس لے رھے ھیں .. آپریشن ‘رد الفساد’ کا مقصد ملک میں بچے کچھے دہشت گردوں کا بلاتفریق خاتمہ کرنا ہے۔ ’رد الفساد‘ کا مقصد نیشنل ایکشن پلان پر عمل درآمد کرنا ہے تا کہ اس آپریشن سے سرحد کی سکیورٹی بھی یقینی بنائی جائے۔.آپریشن ‘رد الفساد کو ضربِ عضب کے ساتھ آرمی پبلک سکول پر طالبان کے حملے کے بعد ملک کے دیگر علاقوں تک پھیلانے کا اعلان کیا گیا .پاکستان میں دہشت گردوں کےخلاف سکیورٹی آپریشن ‘ردالفساد’ کے تحت ملک کے چاروں صوبوں میں کارروائیاں جاری ہیں اس کے علاوہ پاکستان فوج کے ادارے آئی ایس پی آر نے عوام سے درخواست کی گئی ہے کہ وہ کسی بھی مشکوک سرگرمی کی اطلاع دیے گے نمبروں پر دیں۔دھشت گردی کے خلاف پاکستان کے ستر ھزار عوام نے جانوں کا نذرانہ دیا میرا گھرانہ بھی دہشت گردی کا نشانہ بنا اور بھائی مظہر علی مبارک کی شھا دت نصیب ھوئی ،پاک فوج عید پر بھی دھشت گردی کے خلاف سینہ سپرھے عید الاضحی پر آپکو آپریشن ردلفساد کا سپاھی بن کر ملک و قوم کی خاطر چوکنا رھنا ھو گا کیونکہ دھشت گرد عید الاضحی کئی ناموں کے ساتھ اس بار بھی قربانی کی کھالیں اکھٹی کرنے کی کوششیس کریں گے جو دھشت گردوں کو فنڈنگ کا بڑا ذریعہ بھی ھے حکومت پاکستان وازرت داخلہ نے اکہتر ملکی و غیر ملکی دھشت گردوں کی مدد کرنے والی تنظیموں کی فہرست قومی اخبارات میں شائع کر دی ھے اور زبردستی قربانی کی کھالیں اکھٹی کرنے والوں کے خلاف دہشست گردی ایکٹ کے تحت مقدمات درج ھوں گے عید قربان پر ھمارا ذمداری یہ عمل کہی مسائل کا حل ثابت ہو گا .قربانی سے ہمیں ایثار کا سبق ملتا ہے، اس لئے ہمارے اندر ہر وقت جاں نثاری کا جذبہ ہونا چاہیئے، اور یہ صرف خالص اللہ کے لئے ہونا چاہیئے، جب ہم قربانی کریں تو نیت گوشت کھانے کی نہ ہو بلکہ اس کو اطاعت الہی اور سیدنا حضرت ابراہیم علیہ السلام کی سنت سمجھ کر کریں، قربانی سچی نیت اور نیک جذبے کے ساتھ کریں، قربانی کی نیت اگر نیت رضاء الہی ہے تو جانور بارگاہِ خداوندی میں مقبولیت کا مقام حاصل کرے گا۔ طبرانی میں حضرت امام حسن علیہ السلام سے مروی ہے کہ حضرت محمّد صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم نے ارشاد فرمایا کہ جس شخص نے خوش دلی سے اور حصول ثواب کی خاطر قربانی کی تو قربانی کا جانور اس کے لئے آتشِ دوزخ سے ڈھال بن جائے گا۔عید اضحی کے موقع پر ہمیں غریب اور نادار لوگوں کا بھی خیال ملحوظ رکھنا چاہیئے، جو غربت کی وجہ سے قربانی کرنے کے متحمل نہیں ہیں، تو ان لوگوں تک قربانی کا گوشت ہرممکن پہنچانا چاہیئے، تاکہ وہ مسلمان بھی قربانی کے گوشت سے محظوظ ہوسکیں۔ قربانی کرنے کے بعد صفائی پر خصوصی توجہ دینی چاہیئے اور اسلام نے صفائی کو ایمان کا نصف حصہ قرار دیا ہے۔ قربانی کے گوشت، ہڈیاں، خون اور دیگر الائش سے روڈ اور گلیوں میں گندگی پھیلنے نہ دیں قربانی کے خون اور دیگر الائش کہیں دور میدان میں زیر زمین اس طرح دفن کر دینا چاہیئے کہ اس کی بدبو ظاہر نہ اور زمین کو چیر کر کوئی جانور فضلات کو باہر نہ نکال سکے، ادھر ادھر پھینکنا غیر مناسب اور قربانی کی بے حرمتی بھی ھو گی۔صفائ کے عملہ سے تعاون کر ھم کئی بیماریوں سے بچ سکتے ھیں .سنت ابراہیمی کی ادائیگی کے لیے ملک بھر کی مویشی منڈیوں کی طرح اسلام آباد کی مویشی منڈی میں گہما گہمی دیکھی گئی اور جانوروں کی قیمتیں آسمان سے باتیں کرتی ھوئی نظر آئیں حقیقت یہ ہے کہ خریدار اور بیوپاری بڑھتی ہوئی مہنگائی سے نالاں نظر آے . جانورں کی قیمتوں میں اضافے نے قربانی کے فریضے کے سلسلے میں تو کمی نہیں کی تاہم مہنگائی کے باعث اجتماعی قربانی کا رجحان ضرور بڑھ گیا ہے۔چونکہ بچوں کااصرا ر اور شوق تھا کہ قربانی کے لئے دنبے ہی خریدے جائیں.ھر سال کی طرح اس سال بھی عید الاضحی پر الله تعالیٰ کے فضل و کرم سے قربانی کےلئے چارصحت مند ترکی نسل اور کابلی دنبے اسلام آبادکی مویشی منڈی سے مل ھی گے وزن اور خوبصورتی کےساتھ تگڑے دنبے خرید کر بچے تو بچے انکے والدین بھی خوشی کا اظہار کرتےنظر آ رھے ہیں اسلام آباد مویشی کے بیوپاریوں کا کہنا ہے کہ مہنگے چارے اور مہنگے کرایوں کے باعث سستا بیچنا ممکن ہی نہیں اور اگر نہیں بکا تو مال واپس لے جانے کو ترجیح دیں گے،جبکے دوسری جانب شہریوں کا کہنا ہے کہ مہنگے جانوروں کے باعث اس سال سنت ابراہیمی کی پیروی مشکل ثابت ہو رہی ہے۔بیشتر افراد کا تو کہنا ہے کہ جانوروں کی قیمت ہی ایک لاکھ روپے سے شروع ہوتی ہے اور انہیں سمجھ نہیں آرہا کہ وہ کیا کریں، دوسری جانب بیوپاری بھی اپنی ضد پر قائم ہیں اور کہتے ہیں کہ وہ جانوروں کو واپس لے جائیں گے لیکن کم قمیت پر فروخت نہیں کرسکتے۔عیدالاضحیٰ پر قربانی کے جانوروں کی خرید و فروخت کے لیے راولپنڈی اور اسلام آباد کے جڑواں شہروں میں پچیس مقامات پر چھوٹی بڑی بکرا منڈیاں قائم کی گئیں ، سب سے بڑی بکرا منڈی ائی الیون اسلام آباد کی تھی جس میں خریدار کم اور بیوپاری حضرات زیادہ دکھائی دئے دوسری جانب بیوپاری حضرات مہنگے جانوروں کی وہی پرانی وجوہات بتاتے ہیں کہ انہیں پیچھے سے ہی جانور مہنگے مل رہے ہیں تاہم کچھ بیوپاری منڈی کے ٹھیکیدار کو بھی مہنگائی کا الزام دیتے ہیں، بکرا منڈی ائی الیون اسلام آباد میں داخلے کے نام پر فی بکرے، دنبے، بیل اور گائے جو عید قرباں پر فروخت کے لیے لائے گئے پندرہ سو سے پچیس سو وصول کرنے کی شکایات سنّیے کو ملی ھیں جب کہ سہولیات بجلی ،پانی ،سائبان ،میڈیکل ،ٹرانسپورٹ نہ ھونے کے برابر تھی .2014 کے بعد سے اسلام آباد ہائیکورٹ کے حکم پر مویشی منڈی کا کنٹرول سی ڈی اے نے سنبھال رکھا ھےتاہم پھر بھی پرائیویٹ ٹھکیدار کا کردار ختم نہ ھو سکاھے ،.اللہ تعالٰی سے دعا ہے کہ عید کے پرُمسرت موقع پر ہم سب پر اپنی رحمتیں و برکتیں نازل فرمائے۔عید کے پرُمسرت موقع پر اللہ ربُ عزت سے دعا ہے کہ پاکستان پر اپنی رحمتیں نازل کرے۔ھم سب کو ہدایت عطا کرے۔ الله تعالیٰ ھمارے گھر والوں ،شهر والوں،ملک و قوم ،دوستوں و احباب کو آباد و سلامت رکھے آمین ..ثم آمین ..