Month: September 2017

سعودی عرب 1200، ایران میں 25 پاکستانی قید ڈرگ ٹریفکنگ ،ڈکیتی اورقتل میں ملوث ، وزارت اوورسیز کا قومی اسمبلی میں اعتراف ..اسلام آباد(رپورٹ ،،اصغر علی مبارک سے

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سعودی عرب 1200، ایران میں 25 پاکستانی قید ڈرگ ٹریفکنگ ،ڈکیتی اورقتل میں ملوث ، وزارت اوورسیز کا قومی اسمبلی میں اعتراف

اسلام آباد(رپورٹ ،،اصغر علی مبارک سے )irقومی اسمبلی کو بتایاگیاکہ ایران میں25پاکستانی قیدہیں ان کے خلاف منشیات سمگلنگ رکھناغیرقانونی داخلہ ،جعل ،پاسپورٹ کااستعمال ،اغوا،چوری اورقتل کے الزامات میں منشیات سمگلنگ کی سزادس سال عمرقیدیاسزائے موت بھی دی جاسکتی ہے ،پارلیمانی سیکرٹری برائے وزارت اوورسیز پاکستانی سردار شفقت بلوچ نے اعتراف کیاکہ پاکستان کے سعودی عرب کے ساتھ تعلقات اچھے نہیں ہیں اوروہاں یہ3400پاکستانی قیدتھے جن میں سے 2200کورہاکروالیاگیااورابھی1200قیدی رہتے ہیں جن کورہاکروانے کیلئے کوششیں جاری ہیں ۔وفاقی وزیربرائے قانون انصاف زاہدحامدنے ایوان کوبتایاکہ اوورسیزپاکتسانیوں کیلئے اقدامات وزارت خارجہ کی پہلی ترجیح ہے ،بیرون ملک پھنسے ہوئے پاکستانیوں کونکالنے میں سب سے بڑامسئلہ وہاں کے ممالک کے قوانین کوفالوکرتے ہوئے قانونی کارروائی کرنے اورقوانین کے مطابق ان لوگوں کوواپس لاناہے ۔ممبرقومی اسمبلی مرادسعیدنے کہاکہ ایوان میں سوالوں کے غلط جوابات دینے کی کوئی سزاہے اگرہے توپھراوورسیزپاکستانی وزارت کوسزادی جائے کیونکہ سوال کیاتھاکہ باہرممالک میں کتنے پاکستانی جیلوں میں ہیں اورجواب آیاکہ کوئی بھی پاکستان میں قیدنہیں ہے ،ڈیٹاموجودہے 7000بندے پاکستانی جیلوں میں موجودہیں اس حوالے سے وزارت کی کارکردگی پرسوالیہ نشان لگ جاتاہے جس پرسپیکرقومی اسمبلی نے وزارت کواحکامات جاری کئے کہ اس حوالے سے ڈیٹاکاجائزہ لیکرجوبھی جواب ہے وہ جمع کرایاجائے ۔
ایران میں 25قیدی ہیں جوکہ ڈرگ ٹریفکنگ ،ڈکیتی اورقتل میں ملوث ہیں وفاقی وزیربرائے کامرس پرویزملک نے کہاکہ یونان کے ساتھ پاکستان کی تجارت کاحجم کم ہواہے ،پہلے یہ89.5ملین امریکی ڈالرتھی جوکہ اب 72.3ملین ڈالرہے ،پاکستانی سوتی کپڑے ،چاول ،کیماوی مصنوعات اورمصنوعی کپڑے سے یونان کی مارکیٹ میں اپنے قدم جمالئے ہیں ،ملکی ٹیکسٹائل انڈسٹری بحران کاشکارہے ،جس کوبحران سے نکالنے کیلئے خصوصی پیکج بھی دیاگیاہے ،جس کے تحت9ارب روپے کی رقم تقسیم کی گئی ہے اورباقی6ارب اوربھی تقسیم کریں گے ۔قومی اسمبلی کے اجلاس میں وقفہ سوالات کے جوابات دے رہے تھے ۔انہوں نے ایکسپورٹ کوبڑھانے کیلئے اقدامات کئے جارہے ہیں ،جس سے ملکی ایکسپورٹ میں خاطرخواہ اضافہ ہوگا،وزارت تجارتی اتاشیوں کی مجموعی کارکردگی کی وقتاًفوقتاًجائزہ لیتی ہے ،وزیراعظم کی منظوری سے وزارت تجارت نے گزشتہ سال تجارتی افسران کی کارکردگی کی تحقیق کیلئے کلیدی کارکردگی اعتباریوں کی شکل میں سخت معیاربتایاگیا۔ٹیکسٹائل کی زیادہ ترانڈسٹری ٹھیک ہے کچھ میں جوکہ نقصان میں جارہی ہے جلدٹیکسٹائل کے حوالے سے مشکلات سے باہرنکل جائیں گے ۔ایم کیوایم رہنمارشیدگوڈیل نے سوال کیاکہ حکومت ٹیکسٹائل کی بہتری کی بات کرتی ہے لیکن کراچی میں 1250ایکڑپربنائی جانے والی ٹیکسٹائل سٹی جوکہ تکمیل کے آخری مراحل میں تھی بندکردی گئی جس پروفاقی وزیرپرویزملک نے کہاکہ اس حوالے سے کوئی بھی انفارمیشن نہیں ہے ،ٹیکسٹائل پرحکومت کی جانب سے دیئے جانے والے پیکج پربھی اپوزیشن ممبران کی جانب سے شدیدتنقیدپیکج کے بعدبہت ساری ٹیکسٹائل ملیں بندہوگئی ہیں ۔پرویزملک نے کہاکہ ٹیکسٹائل کی بہتری کیلئے 14ارب روپے کاپیکج دیاگیاتھاجس میں سے 9ارب روپے کی رقم تقسیم کردی گئی تھی اورمزید5ارب روپے بھی تقسیم کئے جائیں گے تاکہ انڈسٹری کی بحالی ممکن ہوسکے ۔ایکسپورٹ سے قیمتیں نہیں بڑھتی ہیں کچھ ممالک میں گوشت ایکسپورٹ کیاجارہاہے جس کے مثبت نتائج حاصل ہورہے ہیں ،پوری دنیامیں ٹریڈافسران موجودنہیں ہے ،صرف 50ممالک ایسے ہیں جن میں ٹریڈافسران میں بیرون ممالک میں کام کرنے والے ٹریڈافسران کوٹریننگ کے بعدبھیجاجاتاہے ۔انہوں نے کہاکہ کرنٹ اکاؤنٹ خسارہ اورتنگ سطح پرپہنچ چکاہے۔۔وفاقی وزیربرائے سیفران عبدالقادربلوچ نے ایوان کوبتایاکہ فاٹاکی7ایجنسیاں اور6ایف آرزکیلئے پی ایس ڈی پی میں 24010ملین روپے مختص کئے گئے ہیں جس میں سے 20فیصد4802ملین پہلی سہ ماہی میں جاری کردیئے گئے ہیں ،جس میں سے 549ملین فاٹاڈویلپمنٹ اتھارٹی کودیئے گئے ہیں ،فاٹامیں یونین سیٹوں کی کنسٹرکشن کاکام جلدمکمل کرلیاجائیگا۔
ڈاکٹردرشن نے کہا کہ ملک میں وومن کرکٹ میں حصہ لینے والی بچیوں کی تعدادبہت ہے جس کی وجہ سے کارکردگی میں کوئی خاطرخواہ اضافہ نہیں ہورہا،ٹیم کی بہتری کیلئے غیرملکی کوچ لائے جائیں تاکہ کسی کوسوال اٹھانے کاموقع نہ ملے بیرون ملک کھلینے والی تمام وومن کھلاڑیوں کوتحفظ فراہم کیاجاتاہے اورابھی تک کسی کھلاڑی سے کوئی شکایت نہیں ملی۔

“Iran and Pakistan are two friendly, brotherly, and effective countries of the region,” Iranian president H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani…………… By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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“Iran and Pakistan are two friendly, brotherly, and effective countries of the region,” Iranian president H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani
By.Asghar Ali Mubarak
Tehran; The President Islamic Republic of Iran H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani said that “Iran and Pakistan are two friendly, brotherly, and effective countries of the region,” H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani called for immediate implementation of bilateral agreements, during his meeting with Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif on other day. The President Islamic Republic of Iran H.E.Mr.Dr,Hassan Rouhani stated that “Tehran is determined to expand economic, cultural, and political relations with Islamabad,” asserted the Iranian top executive. The Iranian president regretted that the objective set for bilateral ties of Tehran and Islamabad has not been fulfilled yet, contrary to huge potentials of relations. He urged the officials of both Iran and Pakistan to expand and develop relations and cooperation, more than anytime, within the framework of brokered bilateral agreements. The President Islamic Republic of Iran H.E.Mr.Hassan Rouhani said “Strengthening the security of the shared borderlines to convert them to border markets will benefit both countries and contribute to the security and stability of the region,” maintained the Iranian top official, referring to joint efforts of the two countries in countering terrorism and improving border security. H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani voiced hope for immediate implementation of agreements reached between the central banks of the two countries to ease banking relations and develop trade and business between the two countries. The President Islamic Republic of Iran H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani said that “Iran and Pakistan share the same goals and approaches toward regional problems,” highlighted H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani after asserting that regional security and security is of prime importance to the Islamic Republic of Iran.“Only the countries of the region are capable of resolving the regional crises,” reiterated the Iranian president, “never is able a foreigner or cross-regional country to solve the regional conflicts.” He pointed to issues and problems of Afghanistan and urged cooperation and more efforts of Pakistan in joining Iran for the cause of establishing security, stability, and serenity in the region. H.E.Dr,Hassan Rouhani stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to cooperate with countries of the region like Pakistan for countering terrorism and developing peace, stability, and security.“Resolving the problems of the countries of the region needs regional solutions with participation of Iran, while any action of cross-regional countries is of no benefit for the region,” asserted Pakistani Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif. The Pakistani top diplomat, in this meeting, for his part, described the relations and cooperation between Tehran and Islamabad as positive and voiced his country’s willingness for bolstering, deepening, and cementing bilateral ties with Iran for the sake of acquiring common interests. Mean while the Pakistani foreign office issued a statement in which mentioned that Pakistani Foreign Minister held detailed talks with Iranian Foreign Minister Dr. Javad Zarif on bilateral relations and the prevailing regional situation, including efforts for peace and stability in Afghanistan. They discussed strengthening of brotherly relations between the two countries rooted in common history, culture and people to people ties and reaffirmed the mutual desire to strengthen bilateral cooperation. Earlier, soon after his arrival in Tehran, Foreign Khawaja Asif stated that pursuing the policy of peaceful neighborhood, Pakistan was committed to further strengthen relations with Iran and to work closely for promoting peace, security and development in the region. In this regard, he expressed satisfaction over increasing engagement between Pakistan and Iran while emphasizing the need to focus on promoting trade, economic cooperation and connectivity.The Iranian Foreign Minister Dr. Javad Zarif reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to deepening relations with Pakistan in diverse fields including in trade, investment, connectivity as well as border management. Both Ministers shared deep concern over human rights violations in the Indian Occupied Kashmir. The two Foreign Ministers also exchanged views about efforts for peace and stability in Afghanistan, particularly in the context of latest developments in Afghanistan. They agreed that there was no military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan and a politically negotiated settlement was imperative for lasting peace in Afghanistan. They underscored that the regional countries have vital stakes in stability in Afghanistan should play a more proactive role in the peace efforts. The two Ministers also expressed deep concern over the atrocities being committed against Rohingyas and agreed on the need for urgent humanitarian efforts to alleviate their suffering. The Pakistani foreign minister exchanged views with the Iranian leaders on the entire spectrum of bilateral relations and regional security scenario especially in the backdrop of new US strategy for Afghanistan and South Asia. National Security Adviser Nasser Janjua and Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua were present during the meetings. Pakistani foreign minister said Afghanistan’s neighboring countries would have to agree on joint efforts to cope with the Afghan problem.Pakistani foreign minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif said aim of his Tehran visit was to persuade the neighbors to hammer out consensus on some issues.He said he would also discuss Pakistan’s viewpoint during his visit to Turkey.He said peace in Afghanistan would have far reaching effects on the whole region.
Khawaja Asif said US army has failed in resolving issues facing Afghanistan as there could be no military solution to the Afghan problem. He said no imported solutions couldn’t be effective. Last week, Asif delayed his meeting with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Washington. The Pakistani government also postponed the visit of Alice Wells, acting assistant secretary of state for South Asian affairs, to Islamabad after US President Donlad trump’s allegations against Pakistan. During his recent visit to China, Khawaja Asif has reiterated support for China’s offer to host the first trilateral meeting of Foreign Ministers of Pakistan, China and Afghanistan later this year, focusing on strategic communication, practical cooperation, and security dialogue.

Pakistan-Austria Bilateral Political Consultations-3rd Round held By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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Pakistan-Austria Bilateral Political Consultations-3rd Round held

By.Asghar Ali Mubarakpak-austrian-flag-600
ISLAMABAD: The 3rd round of Pakistan-Austria Bilateral Political Consultations washeld in Islamabad on September 11, 2017. Ambassador Zaheer A. Janjua, Additional Secretary (Europe), led the Pakistan side while Ambassador Gabriele Meon-Tschurtz, Head of Asia, Australia and Oceania Division, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs, headed the Austrian delegation.

The two sides reviewed the entire spectrum of bilateral relations and identified opportunities and possibilities for further strengthening cooperation, especially in the spheres of trade and economy, investment, culture, education, science and technology, defence and parliamentary exchanges.

The two sides discussed the evolving peace and security situation in their respective regions. The Additional Secretary briefed on Pakistan’s efforts towards promotion of peace and stability in Afghanistan. Indian atrocities and human rights violations in Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir were also highlighted.

The Additional Secretary also briefed the Austrian side on Pakistan’s credentials for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, while emphasizing the need for a criteria-based, non-discriminatory approach towards new non-NPT member states. The two sides agreed to enhance cooperation at the United Nations and other multilateral fora.

Pakistan and Austria closely cooperate on bilateral and multilateral issues of mutual concern and interest. The annual Bilateral Political Consultations provide a useful platform to review progress in various fields and identify opportunities for future cooperation. The 2ndsession of these consultations was held in Vienna in June 2015 and the next session will be held in Vienna in 2018 on mutually convenient dates.

Pakistani pilgrims appreciate government’s hajj arrangements: 179,000 pilgrims performed hajj this year. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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Pakistani pilgrims appreciate government’s hajj arrangements: 179,000 pilgrims performed hajj this year. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf
By.Asghar Ali Mubarak
Islamabad – The Pakistani Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf said that talks will be held with Saudi authorities to get an increase in Hajj quota for the next year on the basis of country’s population. The minister was informed that under the post Hajj flight operation, over 14,000 pilgrims have returned to their home. The federal minister expressed satisfaction over the overall arrangements made this year for the pilgrims in Makkah and Madina.The Pakistani Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf while talking to media said Pakistani Hajjaj have appreciated government’s arrangements for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia. Pakistani Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf said 179,000 pilgrims performed Hajj this year. He said every possible facility was provided to pilgrims including transport…

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Pakistani pilgrims appreciate government’s hajj arrangements: 179,000 pilgrims performed hajj this year. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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Pakistani pilgrims appreciate government’s hajj arrangements: 179,000 pilgrims performed hajj this year. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf
By.Asghar Ali Mubarak
Islamabad – The Pakistani Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf said that talks will be held with Saudi authorities to get an increase in Hajj quota for the next year on the basis of country’s population. The minister was informed that under the post Hajj flight operation, over 14,000 pilgrims have returned to their home. The federal minister expressed satisfaction over the overall arrangements made this year for the pilgrims in Makkah and Madina.The Pakistani Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf while talking to media said Pakistani Hajjaj have appreciated government’s arrangements for pilgrims in Saudi Arabia. Pakistani Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Sardar Muhammad Yousaf said 179,000 pilgrims performed Hajj this year. He said every possible facility was provided to pilgrims including transport, dispensary and meals. He said Express clearance service was also provided to the pilgrims on airports. The Minister said 250 Saudi Rials will be reimbursed to pilgrims who could not avail bus service. He said the pilgrims themselves have appreciated the arrangements relating to transport, accommodation and food. He said an amount of 250 riyal each is being returned to the pilgrims who were not provided with train tickets this year for movement between Mashaer. The minister said that the post Hajj flight operation has started which will be completed by 5th of next month. Earlier, Deputy Director Hajj Farooq Rashid briefed the minister about the arrangements made for Hujjaj in Madina. The minister was informed that about fifty eight thousand Pakistani pilgrims who could not visit Madina before Hajj will visit the city to pay respect at Roza-e-Rasool. The minister directed that all the requirements of the visiting pilgrims should be met.

Social media quick source of information in Sports journalism

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Social media for quick source of information in Sports journalism

By,Asghar Ali Mubarak

The Sports journalism is a form of writing that reports on sporting topics and competitions. Sports journalism is the essential element of many news media organizations.The Sports reporters used social media for quick information and keep readers informed with extra tidbits that didn’t make it into a full-coverage story. In our digital age, where smart phones are standard office equipment, sports reporters often snap a quick photo of batting practice or the morning skate to post on a blog or any social channel like Twitter, Face book Insta gram or Watsup. The Watsup – internet and other related social media like face book, twitters. LinkedIn are the fastest and quickest form of h sports journalism. Almost all journalists have to start from ground zero. So if you are an aspiring Journalist, you can start with your own blogs on your favorite team or particular sport. This helps you to build up your portfolio of self-published clips and if any sports organization finds your blog interesting then you could also get a chance to work with them.

Social media has changed our ‘’Sports News World’’

The social media has changed our ‘‘’Sports News World’’past few years. There’s also no doubt social media has vastly changed the tasks for sports journalists, too. Gone are the days of simply going to a game, talking to players and just writing one simple game story. Those things are still a reality, of course, but now there are a bunch of different responsibilities that have been added to the job requirement list, whether written or unwritten. A reporter in the sports business (should realize a social media presence is part of the job. Some may embrace it more than others, but there are expectations to use it in some way in order to keep users/readers informed and stay competitive with other journalists in the same market. Let’s take a look at Twitter. This is one platform that has really influenced the way the world covers and watches sports. It’s important for sports reporters to be active on Twitter, develop a following and post information about the sports and teams they cover. Twitter has become a breaking-news source. Sure, reporters will still cover the story. They’ll just share the main piece of new information via 140 characters on Twitter first as an appetizer, usually starting out a Tweet with “BREAKING…” In sports, look to Twitter first for things like player injury updates, weather delay information, and roster moves and stand-out quotes from athletes or coaches.
With Twitter making it easy to share quick thoughts on game action, some reporters might choose to use the platform as a form of note-taking. Instead of scratching out separate notes about that four-run third inning, reporters might Tweet out the play-by-play updates, along with stats and analysis. They can always go back to their feed later when writing their game story. Along these same lines, play-by-play updates are a large part of what makes sports journalists’ social media accounts valuable for followers. This is especially true for fans that aren’t able to watch the game; they can simply know everything that’s going on without watching if they follow the beat writer covering the event.
There is a lot more access to sports journalists with social media as well, just like users having the chance to interact with their favorite celebrities on social; they can do the same with their favorite sports reporters. Users can Tweet replies at reporters asking questions or simply make comments about athletes or games. The amount of engagement could get overwhelming for reporters, especially those with large followings, but some engagement with fans can be a good thing. It can be part of the reporter’s reputation or credibility if they have a positive social-media relationship with fans.
Social made watching sports different for fans, too.

Social media and sporting events
The age of social media has also changed the way sports fans watch sporting events. Sitting at home on the couch watching baseball or going out to a bar with friends to watch football have an added element now: Checking social media. In some ways, social media brings the community aspect of watching a game right to your fingertips. Fans of the local baseball team can follow all the sports journalists Tweeting about these games, plus they can also follow other local fans who are sharing their opinions of the game as well.
Sports personalities shine through on social media

The Sports personalities shine themselves through social media. There are the negative fan takes, the positive ones, the hilarious thoughts that make you hit the retweet button and even the thoughts that provide another perspective you might not have considered when it comes to a certain play or player.
Social media has truly changed the way sports
Social media has truly changed the way sports are consumed by journalists and fans. It provides plenty of added benefits and additional coverage that frankly wasn’t around a few years ago. Social media has made the sports world more engaging and informative.

Sports journalism is the fastest-growing sector of the news media industry,

The Sports journalism is the fastest-growing sector of the news media industry, with continued growth on all platforms specialty magazines, multimedia outlets, and TV channels and networks. The sports journalism skill is based on sports writing, sports photography, sports strategic communications, ethics and diversity in sports. The newspaper is a periodical publication containing news on current events and can be dated back to the 17th century. Sporting news, however, is not thought to have appeared in newspapers until at least a century later according to Goldlust:“The earliest sustained interest in the reporting of sport in the print media is generally recognized to be associated with Bell’s Life and the Weekly Dispatch, both popular London magazines in the early 1800s”(Goldlust, cited in Boyle, 2006, p. 31). It certainly took sport a while longer to really become mainstay in UK publications, as Boyle suggests: “By the end of the 19th century, newspapers in the UK were increasingly commercial, partisan and national commodities and sports coverage was recognized as one of the elements that helped to drive sales” (Boyle, 2006, p. 32). Those in the sports journalism industry have faced a perennial struggle to be considered important and relevant and those in other areas “often refer to the jibethat sports journalism is the ‘toy department of the news media’ –that is, in a place dedicated to fun and frivolity, rather than to the serious functions of the fourth estate”(Rowe, 2004, p. 41). , However, others disagree, including Boyle who suggests that: “Sports Journalism is an important part of the news media, but it is fair to observe that it is not among its most prestigious disciplines” (2006, p. 36). It is important to note that sports coverage was popular in both tabloid and broadsheet public captions, with the readers’ love of sport seemingly uniting them. “In British sports journal ism the class and market division between tabloid and broadsheet journalism were a significant feature, each with a marked and distinctive terrain and stylistic mode of address. It is the blurring of these on distinctive boundaries since the mid 1900s that is a major aspect of contemporary sports journalism” (Boyle, 2006, p. 36). Boyle goes on to suggest that the narrowing in the differences between tabloid and broadsheet newspapers and their shared love of sport and changed the way that the public see it. “While the growing popular press in the UK at the turn of the 20th century certainly did not invent sport, their engagement with it, their ability to create shape and meaning around it, and the process of widespread dissemination of news associated with sporting events all began to transform what was understood to be the position of sport in society” (Boyle, 2006, p. 37)

Internet has proved importance in modern journalism

The internet has proved to be hugely importance in modern day journalism.“One of the most important developments in sports journalism in recent years has been the growth of online publishing, or websites on the internet” (Andrews, 2005, p.146). Indeed it helped develop and quench the first for interactivity, and Kolodzy suggests:“n the 1990s, the Web changed news audiences from being passive consumers to interactive consumers” (2006, p. 217).Readers want no longer want to simply read the news. They want to comment on it, give their opinion and, in some instances, interact with news. The internet’s creation helped readers do just that. Journalism in the online era is different. There is more information out there, more news stories being generated and a bigger, thirstier readership “Now material is online it can be accessed from around the world” (Toney, 2013, p. 117). A quick search online opens up thousands of news stories from all time periods and helps news in its perennial fight to remain relevant, though often it can be too much information.“Perhaps the main advantage online journalism offers over other forms is that is eliminates the fixedness deadline. A website can be updated at any time, and technology is available that it can deliver breaking stories direct to people’s desktops” (Andrews, 2005, p. 148). These days, fans themselves can be labeled citizen journalists. Internet forums first allowed sports fans the medium to comment on news or events and the internet has only increased fan interactivity. “The fan experience doesn’t stop at the turnstile, it continues after the match on Twitter, Face book and YouTube” (Toney, 2013, p. 50).Toney is correct in that after matches, fans will often take to Twitter or Face book or indeed an online football forum to able to understand a balance sheet –vital following the introduction of financial fair play regulations or working out whether a cash-strapped club can pay interest on their debts. A journalist needs to understand business –the difference between a limited company and a public limited company, what occurs at a shareholders meeting and explain what happens when a business goes into administration” (Toney, p.107, 2013). This holds weight in regard to Twitter, because the social media tool is ultimately a business platform for newspapers; they can promote stories or interviews via it, and certain stories can garner certain trends. There is a great amount of theoretical evidence that suggests Twitter has changed the way in which football journalists’ work. But this dissertation aims to investigate whether the social media tool has improved or degraded football journalism practices.

The rise of Twitter in journalism
“Introduced in 2006 as a short message system meant primarily to serve as a cell phone application, Twitter has grown into a vast news and information network used across multiple platforms by millions of people globally”(Morris, 2009).Twitter’s popularity since its inception has continued to grow, and now only Face book is used more than it in the social media sector. It is “one of the fastest growing social networking sites in terms of audience, gaining more than 190 million global users who post 65 million tweets each day” (Wauters, 2010). The concept behind Twitter was originally micro blogging, restricting a character limit to each post in order to get users to be concise with that they want to say but it has developed into a fully-fledged social network.“Twitter allows users to create ‘micro blogs’ wherein they can construct and distribute communicative messages to others” (Goodyear, 2010). These messages, or tweets, have become popular and, as Murthy (2011,p. 781) suggests:“

History of Sports Journalism
Sports journalism is an art of modern journalism that reports on sports topics and events. The sports department within some newspapers has been called the toy department, because sports journalists do not concern themselves with the ‘serious’ topics covered by the news desk, sports coverage has grown in importance as sport has grown in wealth, power and influence.

Between the end of World War I and the beginning of the great depression was described as a decade of change. America and the world wanted to put the memory of the Great War behind them and enjoy life. The economy was booming because of the war and the automobile was becoming a more common means of transportation. This freedom allowed America to fall in love with sports through the exploits of Jack Dempsey, Man O’ War, The Four Horseman of Notre, and the biggest name of all, Babe Ruth.Sports journalism’s roots developed long before Sports Illustrated and ESPN. Sports writers, although mocked in early days for not being serious writers, now revel in an industry worth billions. From the Internet, newspapers, radio and television to the movies and magazines, content is vast and packed with heart racing photos and videos of games, plays, moments, and victories and losses. Athletes jockey for a place in the news and the cameras always seem to be rolling, and now for the history of sports journalism.
Horses, which some paleontologists believe may have originally evolved from dinosaurs, may have the right to claim the first glimmers of sports journalism. In 1727, The Racing Calendar offers information about races and their results. In 1791, The General Stud book is added. The site History World, explains that the English were curious about the lineage of their horses too.
Boxing is a popular sport in London. Champion Daniel Mendoza writes a book about the sport. It is called The Art of Boxing. Mendoza goes on to lose the title from John Jackson, known as Gentleman Jack. According to the site, his name “is more for the circle of friends than his fighting style.”
From these times, the publications for men told of great battles between men and if they fought for fun, exercise or settling a wager. Even back then, the details involving blood, bruises and broken bones excited men. The sport gained in popularity after readers caught on to the idea of beating someone without getting in trouble. Women were not allowed in any sports establishment in London, and most had no desire to change this rule.
In the 1800s, the idea of basketball is started and other sports follow. The times of America demanded attention to be placed on work and home, not recreational activities. In the early part of the 1900s, America dealt with the full impact of the Industrial Revolution and World War l. The times preceding the First World War brought a new life to the game of golf, which has its early origins in Scotland. The Scots claim they invented the game; however, there is some speculation that they may have evolved it instead.
1900sEarly Days
Golf is a popular game and has several magazines devoted to it. This includes The American Golfer. Published by Conde Nast, it was founded in the early half of the 1900s. Its covers have featured golf greats, including Bobby Jones, Walter Hagen and Byron Nelson.
The Depression and World War ll brought a halt to sports as scores of men and women left home to defend the country. Children and youth continued to play. Yet, it was after the war that sports celebrated a rebirth.
Sports Illustrated is arguably one of the most popular magazines for sports journalism. Even though its first issue was not released until August of 1954, the executives at Time, Inc realized its potential when World War ll ended and sports became a major recreational activity. The first cover features slugger Eddie Matthews of the Milwaukee Braves.
Back then, executives did not know much about sports journalism. The magazine changed from one week to the next as they tried different ideas. Still, the topics offered readers a full range of information and photographs regarding different sports. These included everything from football and basketball to gymnastics and even bullfighting! The earlier issues featured how-to tips too.
Once the readership became established, executives enticed fans with “a three-page centre foldout of 1954 Topps baseball cards.” Willie Mays, Jackie Robinson and Ted Williams were featured on the cards, which were “printed on the same paper stock as the magazine.”
The term, “Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue” dates back to the early 1960s when executives began pondering the idea. In January 1964, the first issue showing a woman with a white two-piece suit caused an instant reaction. The picture is “tame by today’s standards.”
In the early days of the magazine African Americans did not have equality or respect. Through time, and many long fights, this is changing. Sports Illustrated is one place to feature the black athletes. These include two popular personalities, Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan. It was claims that “They have been featured on the front cover more times than any other athletes.”
The front cover of SI, as it is called by many readers and fans, featured non-athlete faces, including Bob Hope, Ernest Hemingway and President John F. Kennedy. These issues, if they can be found and in top condition, have enormous value.
In modern journalism newspapers provided sports journalism from the first days of publishing. The coverage was basic and sparse. Writers often did not know much about the sports themselves. Occasionally, a sportswriter would actually have a working knowledge of the game. . Now a day’s many companies and stations want actual experience form their writers. This makes former athletes more valuable and offers them a chance to stay “in the game” instead of disappearing from sight. . As credible papers debuted, sportswriters needed more knowledge of the sport they covered The Internet, radio shows and television offer sports journalism. The depth of coverage is intense and high point players garner attention and fame. The stories by sportswriters cover more than scores and highlights; they also cover future plays, fears of coaches, personal snapshots of players, typical road life adventures. It is not just the fans who pay attention to the sportswriters. Coaches from around the country, scouts and even advertisers watch and listen. Nike, Spalding and other big names use the information provided by the sportswriters when looking for the next big idea. They want to see who will be the next star. The whole wants to know too, and sportswriters have plenty of answers. Today, Sports Illustrated is branching out with an issue for youth. Its content is designed to encourage involvement in sports, provide information about reducing injuries, and highlighting major names etc. The sports editors know the youth are influenced by what they include in each issue. In response, they often include ads by stars that encourage youth to avoid drugs and alcohol, stay in school and remain clear of trouble. It is one of the few magazines geared towards youth. Times changed when accuracy and details became more important than yellow journalism. This was when the focus was on the sensational bits of news and facts often went unverified, if they were facts at all.
Sports writers /Journalists
A sports writer journalist has the responsibility to both entertain and inform people about what is occurring within the world of sports. Some sports writers focus on one particular sport whereas others write on all sports within a given area. Some sports writers are syndicated or are published in more than one newspaper and others may write for a local newspaper or even for a website, blog, magazine or TV show.
Sports writers may work freelance and sell individual stories to various news outlets or they may work for a given publication. Those sports writers that do freelance work pick their sporting events to cover, whereas those that work for a publication are usually assigned stories. Both types of sports writers have to be able to capture the excitement and interest of the reader as well as provide an accurate depiction of the sporting event or issue that they are writing on.
Sports writer must be willing to work
A sports writer must be willing to work long hours and still make deadlines for printing. Most writers now use computer word processing programs that make editing and revising a bit easier, and also allows for submissions by email to meet tight deadlines. Creativity, a very complete understanding of the sport, good rapport with athletes, coaches and managers as well as an ability to write are all important for a sports writer. An interest in news as well as keeping up-to-date on all issues with regards to the sports community is also important on a daily basis. Today it is a rewarding vocation which requires talented and skilled sports media professionals. To be a sport journalist you need to know inside out of your subject and have a passion to make a mark in this vocation
Sports Journalism reports on sports topics and events:
Attending games and sporting events to be able to write accurately and effectively on the events of the game. Writing insightful, informative and original stories on various aspects of sports from human interest on up to game day results. Researching, networking and developing contacts in the sporting world that can provide accurate and up-to-date information on various aspects of the sport. Meeting with publishers, editors and writing teams to develop and obtain assignments or ideas for possible stories. Keeping in constant contact with athletes, owners, coaches and managers and using high ethical standards to avoid compromising the writing. As the name suggests, Sports Journalism reports on sports topics and events and it is an essential element of any news media organization. Today career in sports is at its boom and which also brings wonderful career opportunities for sports journalists as well. Television, radio, magazines, internet have become an integral part of people’s life. Many of them are ardent fans of different sports; they switch to TV, sports websites, newspaper for getting latest updates and news in their sports. Thus, the scope of sports journalism is increasing gradually.
Sports Journalism has turned into long form writing
Today Sports Journalism has turned into long form writing, it also produces popular books on sports which include biographies, history and investigations. Many western countries have their own national association of sports journalists. In India there has been recent growth in Sports Journalism. The sports column in various leading newspapers is widely popular among readers. Indians today not just appreciate cricket but they have also understood the importance of other sports also like football, hockey, wrestling, boxing etc.
You could go for a degree in sports journalism which could enhance your writing and reporting skills and also trains you efficiently in the areas sports. You would learn to write technical details about a sport in a simple manner. One could also opt for journalism and match reporting course which deals with going to sport games, sporting events, and venues, meeting with players then reporting all this to sports crazy audience.
Career opportunities in sports journalism
The career opportunities in sports journalism are match reporter, freelance sports journalist and sports writer. You would get to work in newspaper, radio, TV, magazines and online journalism.
As the conclusion, sport is one of the well-published issues in the Net. Sport issues gain a lot of publicity and discussions in the media. The examples are numerous: thousands of football news article depict the reactions of trainers to a particular event. Important soccer games are an everyday issue in TV channels. New technologies are used everywhere in coverage of sports: tennis streaming video presents the particular strokes of favored tennis star like Maria Sharapova.
Role the Media plays in Sports
At the days of serious matches, fans enjoy watching the game of their favored teams in tennis or football online. We might ask ourselves: what is the role the Media plays in Sport? One probable answer would be that the media successfully exploits the public need for entertainment. People have always felt the need to be entertained, starting from the days of gladiators, when the public’ general demand was to see people die in front of them in exchange for their money.
Sports news is the best possible entertainment
As the years went by, the forms of the entertainment changed and became less cruel, but the principle of the crowd asking for Panem et circenses “bread and circuses”remained the same. In this matter, sports news is the best possible entertainment, and watching sport online or on TV is the best possible way to witness the actual thing happening.
And here comes the next possible answer: media adheres to the needs of the wide public, fulfilling the desire to watch the “actual thing” on-line. Although a football match might occur in Milano, and tennis game may take place in Moscow, media brings the tennis game and the football match straight to your living room, without the need to get up from sofa and buy the ticket to Milano or wherever you want to get to. Media makes use of our need to witness the actual thing by serving as a mediator between the sporting event, which happens somewhere out there, and us, the viewers. Being a central part of our everyday experience, media brings sports coverage to our living room and shows it to us whenever we choose.Sports journalism has the potential to grow exponentially; and as analytics becomes more descriptive and in-depth, who knows what the future will hold for the creation and dissemination of data-driven sports journalism.

ABOUT; South Asia Sports Journalists Association SASJA

The South Asia Sports Journalists Association SASJA represents sports journalists across South Asia. SAJA was formed at Islamabad during the South Asian Games Islamabad Pakistan on April 1st; 2004.Asghar Ali Mubarak was unanimously elected its founder president. The brain child idea ‘’peace through sports journalism’’ in South Asia was given by the founder president SASJA.Asghar Ali Mubarak. The South Asian Games Islamabad Pakistan was delayed twice due to conflicts between the Pakistani alliance with Afghanistan and US foreign policy at the time during the events that followed 9/11.The SAJA is covering sports since its creation also awareness of sports culture among South Asian nations with favor or fear. South Asia Sports Journalists Association body has requested for an affiliation with the Association Internationale de la Press Sportive (AIPS).
Membership is open to for sports editor, sub-editors, photographers, presenters, free lancers, producers ,internet sports editors, cameramen, editors ,working in national and regional press, sports magazines, radio , television, cartoonists, sports columnist ,sports analysts, sports critics, commentators, web channels and smarts phone sports correspondents etc based in Asia, a significant proportion of whose worked for the promotion of sports. The SASJA is an essential service for all sports journalists – writers, sub-editors, photographers, presenters, producers, cameramen and editors – working in national and regional press, magazines, radio and television.
The South Asia Sports Journalists Association SASJA encourages all members.
The South Asia Sports Journalists Association also acts as a sports consultant to organizers of major events who need guidance on media requirements.
In addition South Asia Sports Journalists Association organizes many awards functions .The SASJA Awards are widely regarded as the ‘Lux style award’ of the media industry.
The South Asia Sports Journalists Association is recognized by many prestigious sports organisations.
All applications for membership of the South Asia Sports Journalists Association must be proposed and seconded by current SASJA members, and accompanied by three examples of your work, professionally published within the past. Broadcasters may submit three digital audio or video clips by email.
The South Asia Sports Journalists Association will accept a signed covering letter from a current sports editor or relevant department head.
Associate membership is available to those in allied or related sports work, such as public relations or working as sports press officers, sports professionals, or to students undertaking degree courses in journalism or working on college publications, but not yet in full-time employment.
Associate members have their profile published in the SASJA Yearbook, and they receive a free copy of the Yearbook, as well as receiving regular SASJA email bulletins, with details of the Association’s activities, including early notification of our events.
SASJA associate members may attend, but they have no voting rights, at the Association’s annual meeting. Nor may associate members vote for the Sportsman, Sportswoman or Team of the Year. Associate members do not qualify for AIPS membership, and nor do they receive the Press Card.
It is understood that it may not be possible for applicants for associate membership to complete the application form with a proposer or seconder. In that case, applicants should obtain a covering letter from their sports editor, employer or university lecturer.

Myanmar’s Ambsadar to Pakistan summoned over Violence against Muslim in Myanmar By:ASGHAR ALI MUBARAK Islamabad-The PakistaniForeign Secretary protests on violence against Rohingya Muslims.The Ambassador of Myanmar, Mr. U. Win Myint, was called to the Foreign Office today by Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua to convey a strong protest of the Government and people of Pakistan at the ongoing violence against the Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine state in Myanmar.  The Foreign Secretary called for effective measures to prevent the recurrence of such violence, providing security to Rohingya Muslims and upholding their rights to live and move without fear and discriminations, urgent investigations into recent violence against the Rohingya Muslims and holding accountable those involved in these serious crimes. As part of durable settlement of the problem, the swift implementation of the recommendations of the Kofi Annan Commission was emphasized. These include: urgent and sustained action to prevent violence, maintain peace, foster reconciliation, assure unhindered humanitarian access and address the issue of citizenship.Ambassador U. Win Myint assured the Foreign Secretary to convey the concerns of the Government and people of Pakistan to the Myanmar Government. 

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Myanmar’s Ambsadar to Pakistan summoned over Violence against Muslim in Myanmar
By:ASGHAR ALI MUBARAK21369276_1893487297334431_6856781002915017282_n
Islamabad-The PakistaniForeign Secretary protests on violence against Rohingya Muslims.The Ambassador of Myanmar, Mr. U. Win Myint, was called to the Foreign Office today by Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua to convey a strong protest of the Government and people of Pakistan at the ongoing violence against the Rohingya Muslims in the Rakhine state in Myanmar. 
The Foreign Secretary called for effective measures to prevent the recurrence of such violence, providing security to Rohingya Muslims and upholding their rights to live and move without fear and discrimination s, urgent investigations into recent violence against the Rohingya Muslims and holding accountable those involved in these serious crimes. As part of durable settlement of the problem, the swift implementation of the recommendations of the Kofi Annan Commission was emphasized. These include: urgent and sustained action to prevent violence, maintain peace, foster reconciliation, assure unhindered humanitarian access and address the issue of citizenship.Ambassador U. Win Myint assured the Foreign Secretary to convey the concerns of the Government and people of Pakistan to the Myanmar Government. 

پاکستان میں متعین بر ما کے سفیر کی دفتر خارجہ طلبی پاکستان کا روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف تشدد کے خلاف شدید احتجاج : اصغر علی مبارک سے اسلام آباد- پاکستان میں متعین بر ما کے سفیر Mr. U. Win Myint یو ون مونٹ کی دفتر خارجہ طلبی کی گئی اور برما میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف تشدد کے خلاف شدید احتجاج ریکارڈ کرایا گیا، پاکستانی سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے چھٹی والے روز آج ھفتہ کو میانمار/برما کے سفیر یو.ن ون مونٹ کو دفتر خارجہ بلایا گیا سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے کہا کہ پاکستان حکومت اور پاکستان کے عوام کو میانمار میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف جاری تشدد پر گہری تشویش لاحق ھے .برما حکومت اس طرح کے تشدد کوفوری طور پر روکےاور روہنگیا کے مسلمانوں کو تحفظ و سلامتی فراہم کرے سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے کہا کہ روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف حالیہ تشدد کی فوری تحقیقات اور ان سنگین افراد میں ملوثکے خلاف مؤثر اقدامات کیے جائیں . سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے مسئلہ کے پائیدار حل کے لیے کوفی اینان کمیشن کی سفارشات پر فوری عمل پر زور دیا . جس میں تشدد کو روکنے، امن برقرار رکھنے، غیر جانبدار انسانی حقوق کی ضمانت اور شہریت کے مسئلے کو حل کرنے کے لئے فوری اور مسلسل کارروائی شامل ھیں . اپاکستان میں متعین بر ما کے سفیر Mr. U. Win Myint یو ون مونٹ نے خارجہ سیکرٹری کو یقین دہانی کرائی کہ پاکستان اور عوام کے جذبات کو میانمار حکومت کو فوری طور پر بھیجا جائے گا .

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پاکستان میں متعین بر ما کے سفیر کی دفتر خارجہ طلبی پاکستان کا روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف تشدد کے خلاف شدید احتجاج
: اصغر علی مبارک سے
اسلام آباد- پاکستان میں متعین بر ما کے سفیر Mr. U. Win Myint یو ون مونٹ کی دفتر خارجہ طلبی کی گئی اور برما میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف تشدد کے خلاف شدید احتجاج ریکارڈ کرایا گیا، پاکستانی سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے چھٹی والے روز آج ھفتہ کو میانمار/برما کے سفیر یو.ن ون مونٹ کو دفتر خارجہ بلایا گیا سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے کہا کہ پاکستان حکومت اور پاکستان کے عوام کو میانمار میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف جاری تشدد پر گہری تشویش لاحق ھے .برما حکومت اس طرح کے تشدد کوفوری طور پر روکےاور روہنگیا کے مسلمانوں کو تحفظ و سلامتی فراہم کرے سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے کہا کہ روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے خلاف حالیہ تشدد کی فوری تحقیقات اور ان سنگین افراد میں ملوثکے خلاف مؤثر اقدامات کیے جائیں . سیکرٹری خارجہ تہمینہ جنجوعہ نے مسئلہ کے پائیدار حل کے لیے کوفی اینان کمیشن کی سفارشات پر فوری عمل پر زور دیا . جس میں تشدد کو روکنے، امن برقرار رکھنے، غیر جانبدار انسانی حقوق کی ضمانت اور شہریت کے مسئلے کو حل کرنے کے لئے فوری اور مسلسل کارروائی شامل ھیں . اپاکستان میں متعین بر ما کے سفیر Mr. U. Win Myint یو ون مونٹ نے خارجہ سیکرٹری کو یقین دہانی کرائی کہ پاکستان اور عوام کے جذبات کو میانمار حکومت کو فوری طور پر بھیجا جائے گا ..21369276_1893487297334431_6856781002915017282_n.jpg .

NAB court did not return any reference. All four references against Sharif family and Ishaq accepted. National Accountability Bureau By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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NAB court did not return any reference. All four references against Sharif family and Ishaq accepted. National Accountability Bureau

By.Asghar Ali MubarakCapture

Islamabad-The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) has stated that accountability court has accepted all four references against Sharif family and Ishaq. Earlier, it was reported that registrar office of accountability court completed the scrutiny of NAB’s references against Sharif family and Ishaq Dar and declared them as ‘incomplete’. The registrar, after initial scrutiny of the documents, declared incomplete the reference of the Aziza Steel Mills case. The registrar office asks NAB to attach the essential documents, following which the reference, along with the other three, will be forwarded to the accountability court judge. The Sharif family and Dar can face up to 14 years imprisonment, heavy fines, and freezing of property if the accountability courts rule that a violation of Section 9 of the NAB Ordinance 1999 has taken place as suggested in the report of the Panamá gate Joint Investigation Team (JIT). Moreover, the accused may also be disqualified from holding public office for life if found guilty. After the Supreme Court announced Sharif’s disqualification as prime minister, NAB was ordered to file references against the former PM, his children, son-in-law, and Dar. The bureau was given six weeks, from the date of the court’s order, to file the references in accountability courts. NAB’s Rawalpindi branch prepared references regarding the Azizia Steel Mills and the nearly dozen companies owned by the Sharif family. The bureau’s Lahore branch prepared a reference on the Sharif family’s Avenfield apartments in London and another against Dar for owning assets beyond his known sources of income.“It was decided to file four references in the accountability courts in Islamabad/Rawalpindi. The references were prepared on the basis of the material collected and referred to by the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) in its report and any other material collected by NAB during the course of investigation,” said a NAB “All references have been sent for trail by the court,” NAB spokesperson stated. The NAB spokesperson further stated that court did not return any reference. According to details, registrar office told NAB officials that provided documents have not copies of all references. Earlier, National Accountability Bureau (NAB) filed references against former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his children, Hussain, Hassan, Maryam Nawaz, son-in-law Captain (r) Safdar and Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in accountability court, Islamabad .The NAB prosecution team reached at registrar office with documents consist of more than 400 pages regarding references. The references are related to London properties, Azizia Steel Mill and offshore companies. Reference against Ishaq Dar is being filed under Section 14-C which deals with holding assets more than apparent income. While References against Nawaz Sharif are being filed under Section 9-A which deals with hiding assets and giving gifts. All sub sections of 9A are being mentioned in the reference against Nawaz Sharif under which he can be imprisoned for 14 years. Furthermore, references against Maryam Nawaz are being filed related to filing fake documents and distorting the investigation process. Under Section 31-A accused can face three-year jail. The references were approved at a much-awaited meeting of NAB’s executive board presided over by its Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry on other day.At least 12 cartons full of documents from NAB’s regional offices were brought by the prosecution team amidst tight security for submitting them in Islamabad’s accountability court-I and II. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) filed four corruption references against former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, his three children and Finance Minister Ishaq Dar in compliance with the Supreme Court verdict in the Panama Papers case on July 28.No decision was taken about the possible arrest of the Sharif family members and putting their names on the Exit Control List (ECL) as the NAB chairman had reportedly refused to do so. Usually, the anti-graft watchdog itself issues arrest orders for the accused even in petty white-collar crime cases. However, the ball is in the judges’ court now and they can order the arrest of the former prime minister and his children and even Dar.
The SC had ordered NAB to file a reference against Nawaz, Maryam, Hussain, Hasan and Capt (r) Safdar, relating to the Avenfield properties (flats 16, 16-A, 17 and 17-A Avenfield House, Park Lane, London, United Kingdom).
“In preparing and filing this Reference, the NAB shall also consider the material already collected during the course of investigations conducted earlier, as indicated in the detailed judgments,” the court ruled.
The court also ordered the filing of a reference against Nawaz, Hussain and Hasan regarding the Azizia Steel Company and Hill Metal Establishment.
The court had also called for filing a reference against Dar for possessing assets and funds beyond his known sources of income.
The SC also ordered NAB to include in its proceedings all other persons, including Sheikh Saeed [nephew of Dar’s wife], Musa Ghani [son of a retired officer from London Stock Exchange], Kashif Masood Qazi [Nawaz’s friend], Javaid Kiyani, and National Bank of Pakistan President Saeed Ahmed, who have any direct or indirect nexus or connection with the actions of Nawaz, Hussain, Hasan, Maryam and Dar, leading to acquisition of assets and funds beyond their known sources of income.
A reference was also ordered against Nawaz, Hussain and Hasan regarding the companies mentioned in paragraph nine of the judgment in the Panama Papers case.
The court also gave NAB the option to file supplementary reference(s) “if and when any other asset, which is not prima facie reasonably accounted for, is discovered”.

United States should respect Pakistan’s territorial integrity, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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United States should respect Pakistan’s territorial integrity, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif
By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif said that the United States should respect Pakistan’s territorial integrity. This was stated Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif in a press conference following the conclusion of a three-day envoys conference and spoke on Pakistan’s foreign policy, focusing on Pak-US relations.”We want to stay engaged with the United States. We have had a long relationship with them, spanning 70 years,” he said but lamented that people in Washington do not have a full comprehension of the facts. “We will defend our territorial integrity and not sacrifice it at any cost. We expect the US to accept that.”“They US are in a way oblivious to what is happening in the region. We will not accept the scopegoating of the Pakistani nation.”Asif added that the consultation process between the two countries must continue as “we are friends”. Briefing newsmen about deliberations of three-day conference of Pakistani envoys in Islamabad, Foreign Minister Khawaja Asif says a new foreign policy narrative has been evolved and this would be finalized after input by the National Security Committee and the Parliament. The new narrative is aimed at bridging the gap in the perception of Pakistan and some members of the international community on the issue of fighting terrorism. War against terrorism can be won by benefiting from Pakistan’s experience and not by confronting Pakistan. Pakistan’s relations with India revolve around Kashmir issue. During his visit to China and Iran and on the sideline of the United Nations General Assembly session meetings, Pakistan’s role in the war against terror will be highlighted. Pakistan is ready to play any role for removing the differences between two brotherly countries Iran and Saudi Arabia. “The three-day conference which we had, we discussed Pak-US relations, the United Nations and also India,” shared Asif.The present situation in the region and the world as a whole is changing rapidly, he said, adding that we have not seen such major geopolitical changes since the Second World War.“We feel we should take a pragmatic view of the current situation,” the foreign minister argued, adding that the world’s perception when it comes to Pakistan needs to be corrected.“We are the only country in the world which is winning the war on terror, and we will continue winning it,” said Asif while praising Pakistan’s performance in the war on terror. He added that we should be proud of winning the war — as we are the only country to do so and we have achieved success as a third-world nation with limited resources. The foreign minister also said that coalition forces in Afghanistan numbered more than 100,000 but could not achieve the same level of success. “If more than 100,000 soldiers from 16 countries could not succeed in Afghanistan, we should not be blamed,” he said.“The war can be won with Pakistan’s experience and not without Pakistan’s cooperation,” suggested Asif while referring to the 16-year long Afghan conflict. “We will further Pakistan’s narrative through our envoys in other countries and the Pakistani Diaspora should also do the same.”“Our existence and sovereignty are on the line. The stakes are much higher for us when compared to other countries.”He added that Pak-India relations have been reviewed in the context of the situation in occupied Kashmir.“Many friendly relations have supported us, including China and Turkey. We have reviewed relations with all countries and have decided to improve relations with those with whom our relations are not that good.”He said a new paradigm, keeping in view our internal and external situation, will be formed. The prime minister has also advised it and it will be presented in both Houses of Parliament for review.Asif said he will be leaving for China today and will also soon visit Iran.The foreign minister also said that Pakistan has had two policies regarding Afghanistan, one which was developed in the ‘80s and the other which came about after 9/11.With regards to the ongoing Rohingya crisis in Myanmar, he said a meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Countries is being held in Astana in the next few days during which the issue will be raised. “This matter will be raised forcefully and we will come forward with an OIC policy on the issue,” he assured. Coming back to Afghanistan, Asif said the Afghans are looking at the problem of terrorism from their own “narrow view”. In response to the recent 9th BRICS Summit declaration in China in which Pakistan-based militant groups were mentioned alongside others, he said “China has issued a clarification today and the same words were used in Pakistan’s presence during the last Heart of Asia conference.”He added that India wanted to make the resolution Pakistan-centric but China did not agree. Referring to Russia, Asif said the country plays a vital role in the region and they have continuously improved their relations with regional countries.“Russia can further improve its relations in the region as it is deeply affected by what happens here region.”When asked about relations with Iran and Saudi Arabia, Asif said “we pray that our brothers Iran and KSA improve their relations.”If Pakistan can play a role in this matter, we will do whatever is required to bring these two brother relations together, he stated. Pakistan has not been isolated, reiterated the foreign minister. Talking about militancy, he said we need to change the entire culture of the country “as it has been part of our ethos for the last 40 years. It is not something that can be changed in a year or two”. “We know we have a problem, we have diagnosed it but treatment will take time,” added Asif. “The situation is much better than what it was four years ago and it will improve further. We have sacrificed a lot, our soldiers and civilians have both paid the price for this victory,” he said. Indirectly referring to former ambassador Abdul Basit, Pakistan’s former envoy to India who recently made public his grievances with Pakistan’s envoy to the US, the minister said his grievances are personal and should not have been brought to the media. The issue of Rohengya Muslims will be discussed during the forthcoming conference of Organization of the Islamic Cooperation to be attended by the President of Pakistan. The final session of the envoys conference was chaired by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and the new policy narratives have also been presented to him.
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Khawja Muhammad Asif has left for China on a day long visit
Officials of the Foreign Ministry and Chinese ambassador saw him off at the Noor Khan Air Base. National Security Advisor Nasser Khan Janjua is accompanying the Foreign Minister. The Foreign Minister will have a meeting with his Chinese counterpart tomorrow.
China expresses the confidence that visit of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister would help bilateral relations
Speaking at the regular news briefing in Beijing, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang says China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners. The two countries have maintained sound development momentum in bilateral relations with frequent high-level exchanges and productive cooperation outcomes. Khawaja Asif’s visit would be another important interaction that will further advance the implementation of the cooperative consensus reached between the two countries and deepen across-the-board practical cooperation centered on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Mean while China has expressed the confidence that visit of Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif would help solidify bilateral relations in diverse fields. Speaking at the regular news briefing in Beijing, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang said China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners. He said the two countries have maintained sound development momentum in bilateral relations with frequent high-level exchanges and productive cooperation outcomes. The spokesperson said Khawaja Asif’s visit would be another important interaction that will further advance the implementation of the cooperative consensus reached between the two countries and deepen across-the-board practical cooperation centered on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor.