House arrest of Hafiz Saeed part of NAP, India should look towards itself before pointing fingers at others: FO Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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House arrest of Hafiz Saeed part of NAP, India should look towards itself before pointing fingers at others: FOnafees-zakaria-600x357

Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria


By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office spokesperson Nafees Zakaria has said that the house arrest of Jamaat-ud-Dawa chief Hafiz Saeed is under Pakistan’s international obligations and implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP).He expressed these views while responding to a question of Daily Mail correspondent Asghar Ali Mubarak during the weekly media briefing. The question was’’ Modi government is always blaming Pakistan and is also trying to sabotage the indigenous movement of Kashmiris through these efforts. Now, India has taken the issue of Hafiz Saeed to the Trump administration and it seems that Pakistan is taking actions against him under some pressure. Your comments please! (Asghar Ali Mubarak – Daily Mail Islamabad)

Answer;’’I have partially replied to your question. What Pakistan has done is actually in line with the international obligation as well as the implementation of NAP’’. ‘’Let me also remind you  that India hides behind the bogey of terrorism while it carries out terrorist acts not only on its soil and blames it on others but also uses other countries’ soil to destabilize for terrorist activities especially against Pakistan. India also finances terrorist activities in our country. India tries to portray Kashmiri indigenous movement as an act of terrorism. No country in the world has subscribed to this notion. OIC, in its declaration adopted at the Istanbul Summit, out-rightly rejected India’s false claim of terrorism in Kashmir’’. ‘’India is carrying out all these activities to, primarily; divert international attention from the atrocities it is committing in IoK, which has raised huge concerns among the international community. There have been debates in the Parliaments of many countries; civil society members from the UK, Europe, North America and the Nordic region are all raising their voice, and talking about India’s crimes against humanity in Indian occupied Kashmir. Many human rights organizations are carrying out activities to sensitize and create awareness amongst the world community, urging India to immediately halt bloodshed in IoK and early resolution of the Kashmir dispute. ’’Zakaria said that Pakistan has taken this action against all the proscribed elements required under the UN sanctions. He said that Pakistan’s action against terrorist elements were without any discrimination, and in the larger national interest. He said that the country’s sacrifices and losses had been repeatedly acknowledged by all the countries. “Our commitment to eradicate the scourge of terrorism is beyond doubt. But India should first look towards itself before pointing fingers at others.”He alleged that India was involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan, and Islamabad had irrefutable evidence to prove that India had been financing terrorism in the country. He said that Indian officer Kulbhushan Yadav’s arrest also proved that New Delhi was involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan.To a question; he said that the Pakistani Mission in India was in contact with Indian authorities for the early release of three Pakistani boys.To another query regarding the increase of 10 percent defence budget by India, he said that Pakistan wanted peace and stability in South Asian region, which is the cornerstone of the country’s foreign policy. “To the contrary, India has hegemonic designs,” he said.The spokesperson said that during the last eight days, 40 Kashmiris had been injured, of which six were fighting for their lives. He said that Indian occupation forces had been using pellet guns and PAVA shells on the people, inflicting serious injuries.He said that the Indian drive of changing the demography of Indian-held Kashmir through settlement of non-Kashmiris was a blatant violation of the UN Security Council resolutions on Kashmir.To a question regarding the new American immigration policy with regard to seven Muslim countries, the spokesperson said that every sovereign country had the right to form its own immigration policy. He said that Pakistan had always had close relations with the US, and hopes for better relations with the new Trump administration. Pakistan’s Ministry of the Interior has stated on other day that detention of Hafiz Saeed, chief of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) is an issue relating to Pakistan and there is no need of India to ‘comment.’ Nafeez Zakaria has said that Saeed was detained earlier this week under state’s policy. He demanded of India to look towards herself and avoid commenting on issues that do not concern her. There is no need of India to comment on detention of JuD chief, he added. While talking about revised immigration policy of the United States (US) by Trump-led government, Zakaria said that every state has the right to chalk out an immigration policy that it deems appropriate. The spokesman said that former ambassador, Hussain Haqqani is involved in activities that are anti-national and the act on his part is disgraceful.Statements of Indian ministers started pouring in after US-designated terrorist; Hafiz Saeed was put under house arrest on January 30 in Lahore while he was added to Exit Control List (ECL) among 34 representatives of JuD.Saeed was designated a terrorist by United States of America years ago over alleged orchestration of Mumbai attacks in 2008 that claimed over 164 lives and wounded over 300.


Record of the Press Briefing by Spokesperson on 02 February 2017


Opening Remarks


Bismillah IrRehman NirRahim

Assalaam Alaikum


There had been queries during last briefings regarding ECO Summit. I wish to inform you that Pakistan is hosting 13th ECO Summit on 1st March. The Summit meeting will be preceded by the Meetings of the Senior Officials and Council of Foreign Ministers. ECO, which comprises 10 Members, has its roots in RCD.During the last 8 days, 40 Kashmiris have been injured in IOK. 6 are in critical condition. 14 have been arrested arbitrarily with some under the lawless law, public safety act (PSA). Indian occupation forces have used pellets and PAVA, inflicting serious injuries. I have highlighted during my last briefings about the Indian drive of changing demography in Indian occupied Jammu & Kashmir through settlement of non-Kashmiris, which is a blatant violation of UN Security Council Resolutions on Kashmir dispute. The domicile certificates are being issued by the IOK authorities on the instructions from the BJP Government at the centre. The drive is to convert Muslim majority in Jammu & Kashmir into a minority. Domicile is one of the measures to change the demography. Other measures being perpetual ethnic cleansing; killings in fake encounters; arrests and disappearances; and terrorizing of Kashmiris to force them to flee the occupied territories. Kashmiris have been protesting against the Indian sinister designs. Pakistan expresses solidarity with Kashmiris. Government of Pakistan calls upon the UN, members of UN Security Council, and international community for immediate action to stop Indian drive to alter the demography and to take remedial measures to undo the violations already taken place.Two days from now, Solidarity Day with Kashmiris will be observed. The occasion is observed by organizing activities throughout the country and by Pakistan Missions and Diasporas of Kashmiris and Pakistanis abroad. Earlier a day after India’s foreign ministry released a statement dismissive of Pakistan’s arrest of Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD) chief Hafiz Saeed, the Foreign Office (FO) urged India to “look towards itself before it points fingers at others”.Indian Ministry of External Affairs Spokesperson Vikas Swarup had tweeted last Wednesday saying, “Excesses such as yesterday’s orders against Hafiz Saeed have been carried out before.”“Only a credible crackdown on the mastermind of the Mumbai attacks… would be proof of Pakistan’s sincerity,” he added. FO Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria , said, “India should look towards itself before it points fingers towards others.” Zakaria alleged that “India has been involved in terrorist operations in Pakistan,” adding that there is “solid proof” that Indian state actors and institutions are involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan. “The interference of Indian state institutions in Pakistan’s internal matters has been made apparent before the world,” Zakaria said. “Every country has the right to form its own immigration policy,” Zakaria said, referring to an Executive Order issued by United States President Donald Trump last week that bars immigrants belonging to seven Muslim-majority  countries from entering the US.“Pakistan has always had close relations with America,” Zakaria added, hoping for better relations with the Trump administration. During the briefing, the FO spokesperson denied media reports of a ban being imposed by Kuwait on Pakistani visas. “The reports regarding Kuwait are over five years old,” the spokesperson clarified, adding that the rumors may have been fuelled by former US ambassador Hussain Haqqani re-tweeting an old tweet of his on the issue. The FO spokesperson said Indian atrocities in held Kashmir continue with the arrest of 14 Kashmiris last week. Forty others were injured; Zakaria said.He claimed that Kashmir’s population is being converted to Hinduism, adding that India is in violation of the United Nations resolutions. Zakaria called on the international community to take notice of ongoing atrocities in India-held Kashmir.The FO spokesperson also lamented that there had been no response from India regarding the arrest of three Pakistani boys who had crossed the border in Narowal in Sept 2016, despite Pakistan making contact with Indian authorities calling for their release.Pakistan will be hosting an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) summit in Islamabad on March 1, Zakaria announced.The summit will be preceded by a ministerial meeting. “The OIC has a played an effective role in Kashmir,” Zakaria said adding that the organisation is “adopting a strong role in solving the problems of Muslim countries.”“Pakistan is seeking solidarity among Muslim nations,” he said. In a sharp reaction to India’s demand for “credible crackdown” on Mumbai attack mastermind Hafiz Saeed, Pakistan on Thursday said India should look at its own “involvement” in fomenting militancy on Pakistani soil before pointing fingers at others.India had reacted cautiously to Saeed’s detention, saying only a “credible crackdown” on terror outfits, including Saeed’s, will prove Pakistan’s sincerity as such actions had been taken against the 26/11 mastermind in the past too.Foreign Office Spokesman Nafees Zakaria, at his weekly briefing, was asked to comment on the Indian reaction to Pakistan’s action against Saeed.Zakaria said he had read the Indian reaction and sharply added that India should look at its own role in militancy in Pakistan than pointing a finger at Islamabad. “India itself has been involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan,” he said.Saeed and four other Jamaat-ud Dawa leaders – Abdullah Ubaid, Zafar Iqbal, Abdur Rehman Abid and Qazi Kashif Niaz – were put under house arrest after an order was issued by Punjab Province’s Interior Ministry on Monday in pursuance to a directive from the Federal Interior Ministry on January 27.During the briefing, Zakaria also claimed that “Indian brutalities against Kashmiris” were going on. He said last year three boys had inadvertently crossed the border from Narowal area in Punjab and were still in an Indian jail, despite efforts to bring them back.India itself involved in terrorist activities in Pakistan:



Now the Floor is open for Questions



Modi government is always blaming Pakistan and is also trying to sabotage the indigenous movement of Kashmiris through these efforts. Now, India has taken the issue of Hafiz Saeed to the Trump administration and it seems that Pakistan is taking actions against him under some pressure. Your comments please! (Asghar Ali Mubarak – Dail Mail Islamabad)




I have partially replied to your question. What Pakistan has done is actually in line with the international obligation as well as the implementation of NAP.


Let me also remind you  that India hides behind the bogey of terrorism while it carries out terrorist acts not only on its soil and blames it on others but also uses other countries’ soil to destabilize for terrorist activities especially against Pakistan. India also finances terrorist activities in our country. India tries to portray Kashmiri indigenous movement as an act of terrorism. No country in the world has subscribed to this notion. OIC, in its declaration adopted at the Istanbul Summit, out-rightly rejected India’s false claim of terrorism in Kashmir.


India is carrying out all these activities to, primarily; divert international attention from the atrocities it is committing in IoK, which has raised huge concerns among the international community. There have been debates in the Parliaments of many countries; civil society members from the UK, Europe, North America and the Nordic region are all raising their voice, and talking about India’s crimes against humanity in Indian occupied Kashmir. Many human rights organizations are carrying out activities to sensitize and create awareness amongst the world community, urging India to immediately halt bloodshed in IoK and early resolution of the Kashmir dispute





What is the status of the case of three teenage boys who had inadvertently crossed international border at Narowal in July 2016 and arrested by BSF? What is the latest update on it and what steps Foreign Office has taken for their early return? (Fayyaz Raja – 92 News)




You are referring to three boys Babar Ali, Shahzad Latif, and Ali Raza, who crossed the border inadvertently. Our High Commission in New Delhi has repeatedly approached the Indian government for the repatriation of these individuals. The response from the Indian side is awaited.




A group of former Indian officials dealing with Pakistan and Kashmir have expressed serious concern over the intrusions and assault against civilians in Indian occupied Kashmir. Voices for the rights of Kashmiri people are rising even in India. Your comments please!


Secondly, according to media report, Kuwait has banned visas for Pakistani citizens. Do you have any information?   (Shahid Maitla – ARY NEWS)




As to your first question, after the genocide of over half a million Kashmiris in Nov. 1947 by the Indian occupation forces in IOK, India has been committing perpetual genocide of Kashmiris. Since 1989, over 100,000 Kashmiris have been martyred, tens of thousands arrested have vanished into thin air without a trace till to date, tens of thousands have been maimed, and dishonouring of Kashmiri women has been used as a tool to suppress Kashmiri movement for self-determination. The gross human rights violations committed by Indian occupation forces since July 2016 have resulted in the deaths of more than 150 innocent civilians and injuries to more than 20,000. Indiscriminate use of pellet guns has blinded a thousand completely, including women and young children.


The people of IoK have been denied their fundamental human rights including the right to life, health, education, housing, freedom of expression and right to self determination since the last 70 years.  Increasingly, sane voices in India are also accepting that Indian state terrorism is not an acceptable solution.


The J&K dispute is a reality which cannot be wished away. We call upon the international community to urge India to stop the bloodshed in IoK immediately and ensure resolution of the J&K dispute in line with the relevant UNSC resolutions.




Muslims around the world are facing numerous problems, in this regard whether the role of OIC is satisfactory or it needs some improvements. Your comments please! (Khawaja Nayyar Iqbal – Kashmir Post)




OIC being the biggest representative organization of the Muslim Ummah, is playing a very important role for safeguarding the interests of the Ummah worldwide. Particularly in the context of Kashmir, I would invite your attention to the declaration of 13th OIC Summit in Istanbul in April last year, which carried a strong reference on Kashmir. OIC countries not only condemned India for the atrocities committed by the occupation forces but also called for an independent inquiry into the grave human rights violations in IOK. The declaration also rejected Indian propaganda of projecting indigenous movement of self-determination in IOK as an act of terrorism. There is a special OIC Contact Group on Kashmir, which during last year’s OIC Summit in Istanbul also made a strong reference to resolving the Kashmir dispute in accordance with the aspirations of the Kashmiri people. In its Ministerial Conference last year in Tashkent at the 43rd Session of ICFM, OIC took an even stronger stance on the issue of Kashmir and urged India to immediately bring to halt its bloodshed and genocide in IoK. In this regard OIC is playing a key role in raising awareness about key issues facing the Muslim Ummah. All member states of OIC are making genuine efforts towards this end. Pakistan believes in the unity and solidarity of Muslim Ummah.


All Resolutions of OIC in the context of Kashmir and other important issues are listed on our website. In fact, I request you all to regularly visit MoFA’s website for important reference material on Kashmir and other issues.




Your Indian Counterpart has been critical of Hafiz Saeed’s arrest and called for more action! Your comment, please! (Shaukat Paracha – Aaj TV)


Supplementary Question


India has always maligned Pakistan regarding the activities of Hafiz Saeed and has never shared any evidence in any of the episodes it has blamed Pakistan. India has committed terrorism in Pakistan? How do you see all this? (Abid Khursheed – ATV)




There is irrefutable evidence of Indian state actors’ involvement in perpetrating terrorist activities and terror financing in Pakistan. Indian state institutions have carried out terrorist attacks on Indian soil and blamed it on others. Confessions of Kulbhushan Yadav and leader of terrorist organization RSS, Swami Aseemanand, revelations made in Maharashtra’s Inspector General of Police, S.M. Mushrif’s book entitled ‘Who Killed Karkare’, British Authors Kathy Scott and Adrian Levy’s narration in their book ‘The Meadows’, and US Secretary of Defence, Chuck Hagel’s statement are testimonies of Indian state institutions’ deep involvement in carrying out terrorist activities in Pakistan. India should take corrective actions for itself rather than commenting on other countries’ affairs.


Pakistan had taken all actions against the proscribed elements that were required under the UN sanctions. Pakistan’s action against terrorist elements without discrimination in the larger national interest as well as our sacrifices and losses have been repeatedly acknowledged and appreciated by all the countries. Our commitment to eradicate the scourge of terrorism from its roots is beyond doubt.




Hussain Haqqani once again proved that he is there to damage Pakistan’s image. How do you see his action of tweeting a 5 years old news report pertaining to Kuwait’s visa restrictions? Ironically, the government that appointed him as Ambassador was at the helm then.  (Fakhar-ru-Rahman – Such TV)




It is highly regrettable and deplorable that a person who was honoured to represent Pakistan has been indulging in activities that would hurt Pakistan’s national interests. Unfortunately, he is doing all this at a time when the world is increasingly acknowledging Pakistan’s growing economic potential in the wake of tremendous improvement in the security situation, investor friendly policies and strengthening of democratic institutions. The more Mr. Haqqani does such malicious and unethical acts, more he exposes his character. He has not only lost respect among Pakistanis but also among those who attach importance to values.




Modi government is always blaming Pakistan and is also trying to sabotage the indigenous movement of Kashmiris through these efforts. Now, India has taken the issue of Hafiz Saeed to the Trump administration and it seems that Pakistan is taking actions against him under some pressure. Your comments please! (Asghar Ali Mubarak – Dail Mail Islamabad)




I have partially replied to your question. What Pakistan has done is actually in line with the international obligation as well as the implementation of NAP.


Let me also remind you  that India hides behind the bogey of terrorism while it carries out terrorist acts not only on its soil and blames it on others but also uses other countries’ soil to destabilize for terrorist activities especially against Pakistan. India also finances terrorist activities in our country. India tries to portray Kashmiri indigenous movement as an act of terrorism. No country in the world has subscribed to this notion. OIC, in its declaration adopted at the Istanbul Summit, out-rightly rejected India’s false claim of terrorism in Kashmir.


India is carrying out all these activities to, primarily; divert international attention from the atrocities it is committing in IoK, which has raised huge concerns among the international community. There have been debates in the Parliaments of many countries; civil society members from the UK, Europe, North America and the Nordic region are all raising their voice, and talking about India’s crimes against humanity in Indian occupied Kashmir. Many human rights organizations are carrying out activities to sensitize and create awareness amongst the world community, urging India to immediately halt bloodshed in IoK and early resolution of the Kashmir dispute




According to the US declassified Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents Indian PM Indira Gandhi planned attacking Azad Kashmir region, after India’s subversive role in the events of 1971 in East Pakistan. CIA documents also revealed that Indian Air Force (IAF) had also planned to attack Pakistan’s nuclear facilities in 1984, to destroy Pakistan’s strategic assets and breach territorial integrity. As a sovereign country, Pakistan should raise the issue with the UN. Your comments!(Tariq Mahmood – SAMAA TV)




Indian subversive activities to destabilize Pakistan since inception are an undeniable fact. Successive governments in India have maintained a hostile policy towards Pakistan and the main reason has been the Kashmir dispute. It remains Indian Endeavour to divert international attention from J&K dispute and the grave human rights violations that India has been constantly committing in IOK. India constantly violates UNSC resolutions on Kashmir and avoids holding a free, fair and impartial plebiscite under the auspices of the UN for the realization of the right of self determination of the people of IoK.  Resolution of the J&K dispute is essential for peace and stability in South Asia.


The issue of Indian activities to destabilize Pakistan has been raised with the UN as well as the major powers on appropriate occasions. We will continue to raise all such issues with international community that may warrant action.




New UN Secretary General declared 2017 as the ‘year of peace’ with special attention on conflict resolution. Is Kashmir dispute also on his agenda? (Essa Naqvi – Dunya News)




Our Representative over there has briefed the United Nation Secretary General on the situation and the atrocities committed by Indian forces in IoK. The Jammu and Kashmir dispute is one of the oldest unresolved items on the agenda of the UN Security Council, awaiting implementation of UN Security Council resolutions.  UN has an obligation to resolve the Kashmir dispute. We hope to see vigorous efforts by the UN and other members of the international community for the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions in the larger interest of peace and stability of the region and beyond.




Our Minister said that Houbara Hunting is part of our foreign policy. I just want to know how many licenses have been issued for Habara hunting.


Secondly, any further information on the arrest of 16 people yesterday that were part of the entourage of the Emir-e-Qatar and they violated a FC check post. (Abdullah Farooqi – BBC Urdu)




I don’t have the details on both the questions.  As to second question, you may like to check with the Ministry of Interior.




My question is in the context of upcoming ECO Summit. As you know, Mr. Donald Trump has put an immigration ban on seven Muslim countries, but Saudi Arabia has supported Mr. Trump’s decision. Do you think that the agenda of ECO Summit will be marred with conflicting and contradictory interests of the Muslim countries? (Hamid Raza Kazmi – Asas Group of Publications)




I am not aware of the agenda of ECO Summit at the moment.




After US President Donald Trump ordered no-visa policy for seven Muslim countries, a White House official hinted that the ban could be extended to other countries including Pakistan. Your comment please!   (Ali Husnain – Business Recorder)


Supplementary Question


What is Pakistan’s official stance on Mr. Trump’s ban on seven countries, and what are Pakistan’s apprehensions in case it is also included in the list of banned countries? (Ali Husnain – Business Recorder)


Can you please explain if US has given any reassurance to Pakistan that its name will not be included in the list of banned countries? (Anwer Abbas – Waqt News)




Pakistan and the US have longstanding and cooperative relations in diverse fields and we look forward to further strengthen these ties. It is every country’s sovereign right to decide its immigration policy. However, such decisions are not without humanitarian and political dimensions that need to be looked at and considered in going forward. Countries would be well advised to adopt policies that are not susceptible to be exploited as propaganda tools by entities wishing to see cracks in the coalition against extremism and terrorism along religious lines.




RSS has remained involved in the genocide of Kashmiris in IOK, terrorist attacks in India and the terrorizing of religious minorities in India. CIA has also reflected that RSS is a militant, anti-Muslim cultural organization, dedicated to the revival of Hindu way of life.  Your comments please!  (Amjad Ali – PTV News)




I have on many occasions commented on the issue of involvement of RSS in terrorism and genocide of Kashmiris. There are historical accounts of RSS involvement in ethnic cleansing in IOK. You may recall numerous incidents of terrorizing of religious minorities by the Hindu extremist and terrorists since 2014 and earlier. I have stated many times earlier about the terrorist activities carried out by Hindu terrorist organization RSS.




Yesterday, India, in its annual budget, has once again increased its defence spending phenomenally which will most likely be used in the acquisition of more weapons, leading to an arms race in South Asia. What is Pakistan’s stance on this issue?  (Naveed Akbar – Dunya Newspaper)





Maintenance of peace and stability in South Asia is the cornerstone of Pakistan’s policy. We are opposed to nuclear or conventional arms race in the region. Pakistan’s nuclear capability is solely for self-defense and we are committed to credible minimum deterrence.
India’s massive arms-buying spree and the consequent conventional asymmetry continue to be a threat to regional peace and stability. Pakistan does not want to indulge in any arms race and remains committed to pursuing arms control and restraint measures. We believe that the region’s scarce resources should be devoted to the socioeconomic uplift of its people.




Recently, a Pakistani soldier was killed on Pak-Afghan border by insurgents entering Pakistan from Afghanistan. What efforts are you undertaking to beef up border security on the Pak-Afghan border?   (Saad Umar – Roze News)




Pakistan’s policy on Afghanistan is principled and very clear. We want peace and stability in Afghanistan, which is very important for peace and stability in Pakistan as well as the region. Pakistan has taken measures to check terrorists’ crossing over from Afghanistan. We are all aware that the terrorist elements enter Pakistan from Afghanistan through the porous border and we are also aware of those behind those terrorist elements, which we previously also highlighted. Pakistan has taken stringent measures to control this movement. We have always insisted on effective border management and have instituted border control mechanisms to this effect. Cooperation from Afghanistan is in mutual interest. All of my previous replies in this regard are already available on the website for further reference.




Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan, Omer Zakhilwal said that Afghan government is open to unconditional peace negotiations with Taliban. Will these talks be held through Pakistan, as we have heard through media reports that Taliban are opening its office in Islamabad soon?  (Rabia Pir – VOA/Deewa Radio)




On the second part of your question, I would not comment on media reports.


To the first part, Pakistan has always been steadfast in its pursuit for strengthening relations with Afghanistan. Our restraint and patience even in the face of negative statements that emanated from Afghanistan is a manifestation of our policy. We believe peace in Afghanistan is in the interest of Pakistan and the region. In fact, no other country in the world has suffered more than Pakistan because of instability in Afghanistan. We also believe that there is no military solution to the Afghan conflict and serious efforts should continue for a politically negotiated settlement. In this regard, we support intra-Afghan process of talks between Afghan Government and the warring factions under an Afghan-owned Afghan-led process. Pakistan has been making serious efforts for bringing Taliban to the table for talks with the Afghan government.






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