”HAPPY LORD BUDDHA PURNIMA” VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnima is for the peace of entire universe and for peaceful living of each individual on the earth . VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnimastarted on other day 21st May and will continued 30th June, all over the world specially in Sri Lanka the land f’’ LORD BUDDHA’’, The Pakistani government handed over the Holy Relics of LORD BUDDHA to Sri Lanka for Vesakh Festival.The Sri Lankan Religious and Political Leaders hail the good will gesture of Pakistan on the arrival of Holy Relics of LORD BUDDHA from Pakistan’s Gandhara Region. By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

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”HAPPY LORD BUDDHA PURNIMA” VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnima is for the peace of entire universe and for peaceful living of each individual on the earth . VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnimastarted on other day 21st May and will continued 30th June, all over the world specially in Sri Lanka the land f’’ LORD BUDDHA’’, The Pakistani government handed over the Holy Relics of LORD BUDDHA to Sri Lanka for Vesakh Festival.The Sri Lankan Religious and Political Leaders hail the good will gesture of Pakistan on the arrival of Holy Relics of LORD BUDDHA from Pakistan’s Gandhara Region.

By.Asghar Ali Mubarak


”HAPPY LORD BUDDHA PURNIMA” VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnima is for the peace of  entire universe and for peaceful living of each individual on the earth . VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnimastarted on other day 21st May and will continued 30th June, all over the world specially in Sri Lanka the land f’’ LORD BUDDHA’’, The Pakistani government handed over the Holy Relics of LORD BUDDHA to Sri Lanka for Vesakh Festival.The Sri Lankan Religious and Political Leaders hail the good will gesture of Pakistan on the arrival of Holy Relics of LORD BUDDHA from Pakistan’s Gandhara Region.

By.Asghar Ali Mubarak

”HAPPY LORD BUDDHA PURNIMA” VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnima is for the peace of  entire universe and for peaceful living of each individual on the earth . VESAKH FESTIVAL Budda purnimastarted on other day 21st May and will continued 30th June, all over the world specially in Sri Lanka the land f’’ LORD BUDDHA’’, The Pakistani government handed over…

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